How to partner with an optical lab & set yourself up for success!

Gideon Ejekwe
3 min readOct 10, 2022


Every expert in the eye care business does know what choosing the right optical lab to partner with can do for the success of the company.

A good partnership can set you on the path of success which is the delight of any investor, optician, or ophthalmologist keen on breaking even in the industry.

How to choose a good optical lab

An excellent optical laboratory partner can change the way you do business and guarantee you good fortune. Also, it can change your turnaround time and tremendously increase your customer base. Remember people (customers) are happier when their needs are met on time.

An optical lab will be in charge of making the eyeglasses, lenses, and other ophthalmic goods. The Optical finishing labs put finishing touches to the edges of the glass providing a prescription-ready lens.

In my previous article on how to partner with an optical laboratory, I shared exhaustively 12 ways you can employ why choosing a partner lab and part of the big ideas from that masterpiece is what I’ll share here.

To get it right you must take the very first step which is research very seriously. If you fail here then you will end many steps away from success but if you succeed at this step you will unlock a hidden treasure.

You need to learn more about reputable labs and why their service stands out. You need to be conversant with user reviews as most satisfied clients will usually drop hints that you can use to make informed choices while choosing who to deal with. This way you avoid certain mistakes they made before they were able to choose a reliable company.

Also, you need to get talking with other persons who are in the industry and get to know who they are working with, some generous persons will outline the pros and cons of working with some laboratories. Again, this will help you serve out the good from the bad outfits.

One tool you should not joke with is google search, it usually has answers to many of your questions if only you know how best to use it.

All you need do is plug in some negative and positive prefixes for different optical laboratories and they will feed you with information that meets your search. For instance, if you search “best optical labs in the UK”, Google will finish you with a list that they consider best, and if you decide to go the opposite and search for “Bad optical labs”. Another list will surface and this time it will likely have reasons why these groups are rated bad.

In doing so you will find reasons to use or not use some companies. This can save you time, effort, and money. It will also enhance your productivity which is what we all want.

The second important factor you should consider while choosing an optical lab for partnership is its accreditation by relevant bodies in the field. If this is the only advice you will get from me then take it with all seriousness.

What business do you have dealing with a company that the relevant authorities aren’t confident enough to deal with? If they don’t meet the criteria to be issued accreditation status what makes you think they are standard enough to meet the needs of your customers?

Every good lab should have the American National Standard Institute seal with registration numbers. They must also meet the standard set by the ISO (International Standard Organization).

This ensures good quality assurance and control of quality. It also improves the turnaround time and makes doing business with these organizations easier and hitch-free which is what we need to succeed in this line of business.

If you consider these two areas, you will be on the right path to quality service delivery.

As good as these ideas sound they are not the only factors you should consider when picking a partner for your eye business.

We have more than 10 factors you should consider to avoid making mistakes, you can find this in the original article here. Also, it has a list of 10 reliable optical companies that you can choose today with peace of mind.

Thank you for finding time to read our story.

