Trump Asks for “Border Wall” Designs. Engineers Create Hilarious (And Useful) Alternative

Gideon Spitzer-Williams
1 min readApr 15, 2017


U.S. Customs & Border protection has had an open application process for any company interested in redesigning the US/Mexico border wall. To further argue how the wall should be uniting and not completely dividing, companies have mockingly submitted designs showing what you could actually do with the space. The picture above is for a $15 billion hyperloop ($6 bill less than current wall estimates) that would create up to $1 trillion in jobs. Other designs range from solar panel walls to an “Inflatoborder” made of plastic bubbles. Not the worst ideas honestly.

Thought Starter: Granted not all Mexicans should come into the US and vice versa, could we actually use this stretch of the wall for something more than just a blockade?



Gideon Spitzer-Williams

Wednesday Warrior writer. Passion to find the great things happening in this world and share them with everyone. Sign up here →