Life is not ending. It is just beginning.

Erick Giffoni
2 min readApr 11, 2020


What is happening in our world ? Some people are calling it “pandemic”… are they wrong ? No. But after all, is it just that ? I don’t think so.

I guess nobody saw everything that is happening right now when we were all celebrating the “happy new year”. We were all taken by surprise and, suddenly, our lives changed a little bit.

Now I see people not with my eyes, literally, but by their actions, by what they say in social media, by what they choose to spread: is it fear ? Is it death ? Is it hate or chaos ? Is it everything I just said ? For some, maybe. But not for everyone.

Look, what if I told you that these things happening right now (sickness, lockdown and so forth) could be one of the best things that ever happened ? What I mean is : even under the worst situation you can reap something really good. How do you do it ? It’s just a matter of how do you choose to face the situation you are passing through, which means : what kind of seeds have you been sowing in your heart ?

I see this way : people used to live under the same roof, but they didn’t know each other. People were too busy taking care of business and other things that doesn’t really matter as much as life itself. People were hidden behind a touchscreen so badly that they could be looking down and still don’t see the cliff. People were so lost that they couldn’t find themselves even if they stopped and looked at their own reflection on the mirror.

What about now ? Aren’t those people getting to know each other better ? Aren’t they taking more care of their families and themselves ? Yes, some of them are, because they’ve chosen to do so. Now it is your chance to learn something new. It is your chance to find yourself. It is your chance to close your bedroom’s door and talk to the one that has never abandoned you : Jesus.

We now get to see how much we love people and how much the human interaction means for us. We are realizing life in ways that we didn’t use to, and that is breathtaking. So, why don’t you stop for a minute… look around… take a deep breath… and live ?

Life is not ending. It is just beginning.

Erick Giffoni

This is the original English version. Click here for the Portuguese version. (Clique aqui para a versão traduzida para o português)



Erick Giffoni

📝 I write about what comes to my mind Jesus follower Software Engineer