A brief explanation about our project and roadmap

Gift Coin
4 min readMay 11, 2018


Hello everyone,

If you are reading this right now, it means most probably you have heard about our project and you are interested in knowing more about what we do, why we do and what will happen in future on our project. Before we start, we want to let everyone know that Gift Coin project is COMPLETELY open-source and COMPLETELY community driven. Which means every decision, every act, every little coding is open to everyone, and discussed before being actively used in our project. Please keep that in mind while reading rest of the article and know that none of the developers of this project is looking to make any type of profit.

Who came up with the project?

Actually the answer is simple, 4 university students who knows eachother via gaming and cryptocurrencies decided to come up with a completely open-source and community driven project. So, they created the Gift Coin. All four of them decided to stay anonymous and decided to hold no coins, making them equal with anyone who is interested in the project.

Why Gift Coin?

We were thinking about a decentralized project and an idea that may help us to change our habits. We saw how Bitcoin became well-known and valuable in ten years even though it is not eco-friendly. At that point we understood that human race is looking for something decentralized, instead of being controlled by big companies or governments. We were thinking what type of product we can come up with, and we ended up with a cryptocurrency that is using PoS method to produce new coins.

What is Gift Coin and who are you?

First of all, it is a cryptocurrency, nothing more. We just came up with the project and working on development, the rest is all up to the community. It is not any different than Bitcoin. Completely open-source and growing with the help of the community. Even the website for the project is a free domain, servers for development and core functions are paid by the developer team. We are not powered by an investor, or a well known blockchain person. We are just 4 anonym students who are trying to make people use blockchain in their lives more. We believe the Satoshi Nakamoto’s ideas and we are following his path. No names, no fund/coin holding. Just staying anonym, helping people get used to our project, and when the time comes, we will let community come up with better solutions and we will leave the development team to the community members.

What makes Gift Coin different than other projects?

Gift Coin, as we said before, is completely open-source and community driven project. We don’t have any investor to back-up our project, or any well known name behind us advising about the project. There are too many different blockchain projects going on right now. ICOs, private chains, Master Node coins and many more that we can mention here. However, almost all of these projects are led by some names, or companies, and they are not aiming to bring a better future to humanity, but aiming to become rich by using the blockchain technology. Projects that might not get even hundred thousand dollars investment are getting millions of dollars worth ETH during their ICO phase, just by using the name “blockchain” and “decentralized”. Most of the cryptocurrency based projects are disappearing no longer than 6 months of launch. There are many coins and projects aiming to solve same problem, only they have different owners, and different people trying to make money out of it.

Gift is not like any of these projects and we are aiming to become a project like Bitcoin. A project that is trying to serve humanity, with no paid advertisements, or big investors behind. If Bitcoin could come that far in just ten years, why another project like Bitcoin can’t come that far? We are different than other projects because we are aiming to serve the people instead of being rich using their money.

What will happen next?

As we said before, we are trying to grow with our community. So, we can not make any promises or agreements if we won’t be seeing any support from people. However, we will try to do our best to make this project live as long as we can. Gift Coin will always be open-source and community driven. It may fail, it may disappear, people might stop supporting the project and many more bad things can happen but worst case people who tried making this project work can say “at least we tried”. This is just an idea, a simple project, failure is not seen as an impossible path. If we fail on this one, we will learn from our mistakes and we will try to come up with better ideas until we find a product and project that can really change our lives.

We hope that we made our ideas and roadmap a bit more clear for people who are interested in the project. If you read that far and want to support our project, you can join our Discord server and say “Hi!” to everyone. You can share your ideas with us or even apply for being a team member. We will be looking forward to hear your messages!

Our Website : http://www.giftcoin.ml
Bitcoin Talk Announcement : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3409181.0
Our Twitter : https://twitter.com/Gift_Coin_
Our Discord : https://t.co/WAKOhbleMk



Gift Coin

Open source, blockchain based completely decentralized cryptocurrency project.