13 New Employee Birthday Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind

Gift Planet
5 min readAug 25, 2020
Image: Pixabay.com

There are so many employee birthday ideas that you can implement today. Employee engagement is truly important today. If you are interested in retaining your employees in the long run, you have to incorporate such ideas.

Moreover, all employees expect some kind of return for their service. If you are the owner of the company or work in the Human Resources department, you have to rack your brains.

A study shows that 85% workers are not engaged in their workplace. It causes a huge loss for companies around the world.

There is no need to arrange huge parties at clubs or restaurants. A small initiative goes a long way.

Why Are Companies implementing employee birthday ideas at work?

· It improves employee morale.

· Reduces workplace stress

· Improves communication between members

· Creates a friendly working environment

· It is a cost-effective employee engagement activity.

· Increases happiness at work.

· It increases love and respect for superiors.

Find Out How To Celebrate Birthdays At Work

#1. Celebrate with Cake
One of the most cost-effective ways amongst workplace birthday ideas is to celebrate with a cake. Who does not love a sugary, chocolatey and gooey truffle cake or a creamy Black Forest? Along with the cake, a birthday song and some merriment will do you a whole lot of good.

#2. Take Team Members Out for a Lunch
If your company employee strength is more than 50, then divide the celebrations into specific departments. If you are the HR of the company, you can ask the department head to take the team members out for lunch or better still order some food and celebrate in the conference room. Team morale will definitely shoot up in these scenarios. Office Birthday Celebration Ideas cannot get more exciting than this.

#3. Prepare a Surprise Gift for Him/Her
If you are running short of employee birthday celebration ideas, you should look up the various gifting sites. Try one of the easiest ones, that anybody would suggest. Moreover, you can decorate the employee desk in the morning itself. Print their photo, a happy Birthday Note, add some fun artwork, and birthday balloons. Moreover, you can leave a few candies and chocolates, for company. It will be a great surprise.

#4. Share this Special Moment with Others on Social Media
Post the Employee Birthday on the Group Facebook Site. Coworker birthday ideas cannot get more exciting than this. You can download the best photos of your coworker from her Facebook page and add it along with a beautiful note on the Facebook Group page. Through this, you can pass on the message to other branches as well.

#5. Giving Out Birthday Leave
You can find more birthday ideas for work colleagues today online. One of them is giving out birthday leaves. Everyone wants to spend the day with their loved ones, right? Their return will be a lot productive.

#6. Involve CEO or Top Officials
You can also involve the CEO of the company in the joint celebrations. It will give an instant boost to the employees. They will feel appreciated by top management.

#7. Arrange Joint Birthday Parties
Apart from celebrating the birthdays singly, you can also arrange a lavish joint birthday at the end of the month. Play some music and arrange for titbits for all the staff. So, everybody can join in the celebrations and boost employee morale.

#8. Celebrate with a NGO or Non Profit Organizations
The company can also ask the employee to choose an NGO. He or she can choose to celebrate the birth occasion at the NGO. Moreover, you can get a small token donation for the NGO. This will make the employee feel needed in the company.

#9. Celebrate in Corporate Party
Birthday parties can be fun. If your company has a corporate party coming up in any month, club it with the birthday parties for that month. The fun will be ten-fold. This is an addition to the employee birthday ideas.

#10. Personalized gifts items
Give a personalized gift. No matter what age we are in, gifts are always appreciated by people. You can get a beauty hamper if it’s a female or a grooming kit for men. Gift items can be customized in various ways. Printing personal photos, slogans or funny jokes will make your employee feel touched and increase morale.

If you are from United Arab Emirates & planning such corporate birthday party, you can look for the best corporate gifts supplier in Dubai & other surrounding cities.

Some of the companies worth mentioning are ShassGift, Gift Planet, Royal Promotion etc.

#11. Make the Birthday Boy/Girl Decision Maker for One Day
Make the birthday employee, the decision-maker for the day. If the employee is part of a tram, delegate the rights for organizing team meetings for a single day. That will amplify the energy.

#12. Make Funny Video for that Employee
Make a funny video for the birthday employee. Collect the screenshots from various office conferences, meetings, past recognition, and insert a joke or two. You should remember not to mention any work. Mention only the funny bits.

#13. Present a Gift Card
If the day is too busy for you and the company for any given reason, give them a gift card. They can buy a gift of their choice with it. Club it with some flowers.

Virtual Coworker Birthday Ideas

The importance of gift giving, is not confined to head office employees. There are many remote employees as well as employees working for other small branches. You will find lots of creative ideas to celebrate virtual birthdays today.

Celebrate it on a video conferencing tool, during lunch or coffee break. Sing a nice song and also arrange to send the gift before the birthday arrives, by post.

Ask the branch head to celebrate the birthday. In case, the employee is working from home, send some gifts, flowers or a cake. Alternatively, inform all by a mail or video post.

To sum up

Today, most companies are paying attention to employee engagement. One of the first steps towards it is to celebrate employee birthdays. It creates a friendly environment, helps improves communication gaps and reduces stress, thus helps improve the performance.



Gift Planet

Gift Planet is a leading promotional & corporate gifting company based in Dubai, UAE. We have expertise in selecting the right gift items for any event.