The Local Services Industry powered by Blockchain Technology


Misha Malik, GIG9 CEO

“Coming together is a beginning;

Keeping together is progress;

Working together is success.”

Henry Ford

Being a mantra that has helped me find inspiration and motivation throughout my years, I cannot fully articulate my joy knowing that these words have truly come to life with the inception of GIG9 — a revolutionary idea with the mission to change the face of the global economy forever.

From the very beginning, GIG9 was created with passion, determination and direction. Coming together with my fellow Oxford Fintech Programme members is in itself a milestone for it initiated the start of a new era of our society and our economy. It is an honour to be part of such an impressive group of talented, knowledgeable, innovative, genuine, career-driven, successful individuals who are in their prime and top of their field. With over 120+ years of valuable experience in the service and finance industry spanning over 7 nationalities and 16 languages, we have joined forces to create the missing piece of our current economy.

As a whole, we found that the service industry today faces the lack of organisation, transparency, viability and connectivity. On a more economic front, there will be around 1.4 billion workers that will find themselves in vulnerable jobs in 2018. The global unemployment crisis is not drastically improving whilst the world’s richest 1% get 82% of the global wealth. We want to create a difference to help bridge this gap. And that’s how GIG9 came to life — our desire to create and inspire change.

Using blockchain technology as the foundation of GIG9, not only will we be able to create a direct connection between service providers and consumers but we will be able to nurture the gig economy to help bridge the economical gap between the rich and the poor.

Throughout the course of the creation and development of GIG9, it has indeed been a blessing because keeping together with our GIG9 team has been groundbreaking and life-altering with each and every step of our journey. Heavily engrossed with the foundation of GIG9 being a community is something that we emulate with our teamwork and relationship between the members behind GIG9. Simultaneously, the blockchain technology that serves as the pillar of this project is yet another aspect we bring to light with the security, integrity and character in our work and amongst ourselves.

To call working together with such an amazing team and under such a revolutionary brand a privilege is an understatement to say the least. Whilst GIG9 is out to bring change and a positive impact to the world and the future of our economy, it has already ushered in a positive change in my life. From my side, I promise to continue to work with you to ensure the ongoing success of GIG9 and at the same time, I promise to do my part in making our community stand out from the rest of the crowd.

As Aesop wisely said, “The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.” May these words flow through every fibre of GIG9 and I look forward to celebrating many more milestones with all of you as we bring forth the future of our economy.


ACCA, CIA, CerIFR, BSc, Oxford Fintech

Chief Executive Officer

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GIG9 - Local services. Global opportunities.

The world's first blockchain-based skill sharing platform dedicated to empowering local communities. Telegram: