Gideon Nweze

Gideon Nweze
3 min readMay 29, 2018


Passionate about bringing the decentralized future to the present as quickly as possible.

Snapshot about me

  • Tech Entrepreneur — Founder of a blockchain startup featured in Forbes, TheNextWeb etc.
  • Partner @ World BlockchainHack
  • CEO & Founder @
  • Nanotechnolgy and Microlectronics Engineer
  • Bilingual [ Russian + English]
  • Y Combinator (online) graduate
  • Gemini ( 26th May )

Short Bio & Beliefs

I was born in Nigeria and was privileged to attend one of the best private schools in the country .Competed high school with full scholarship and graduated as the valedictorian.

I believe in unique experiences. After high school, I was offered scholarship to many countries. I chose Russia because I wanted to expand my horizon, learn a new language and understand the world better. I studied Nanotechnogly and microelectronics engineering in russian language. It took me 4 months ( 12 hours a day ) to master basic russian ( writing, reading and speaking).

After completing a business course in Geneva business School, Barcelona Campus, I started my journey as an entrepreneur.

I am a fast learner. Over the years, I learnt how to make good decisions after having made several mistakes along the way.

I believe that I have the potential to be a very positive impact to the world. I grew up with the solution mentality. Always looking for problems and thinking of ways to solve such problems.

Current Focus.

I am a strong believer in blockchain technology and decentralized technology. I have spoken in many conferences in Europe, America, Africa and Russia.

Most of my time is dedicated to our high impact company — KickCity, where I serve as the founder. We plan to help many people earn their first crypto . Decentralize event marketing by rewarding people and helping event organizers sell tickets faster.

I am open to helping and supporting the blockchain community. My full time hobby is organizing blockchain hackathons around the world. Our goal @worldblockhack is to create a decentralized community of blockchain developers and at the same time help create more blockchain developers.


Linkedin —

Forbes —

TheNextWeb —

Interview in Russian TV —


With the inventor of ATM

With the US Ambassador to Finland. ( Private tech dinner @ US Embassy Helsinki )

