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Mussar Journaling: A Practice for Personal Transformation

Mussar practice aims to harness ancient wisdom so that you can bring your best self to your own life and, ultimately, the world around you.

Doc Athene
4 min readDec 11, 2022


Mussar is an ancient Jewish spiritual practice that has re-emerged in recent years as a way to cultivate virtue and inner growth. This practice, which originated in medieval times, is embraced by many as a powerful tool for personal transformation and enlightenment.

At its core, Mussar practice utilizes focused attention and introspection to awaken our highest potential.

Today, we explore the utility of Mussar-Inspired Journaling as a way to enhance awareness of our thoughts, behaviors, and character traits. We can harness insights from this self-exploration to enrich our spiritual journey.

The process of Mussar is akin to a tidal wave, sweeping through our lives to wash away the debris of our past so we can see ourselves more clearly. Through regular self-reflection and writing, Mussar journaling practice allows us to identify, then release the emotional baggage and beliefs that hold us back and makes space for new insights and personal growth. Mussar can sometimes be overwhelming and intense, but the process will lead to clarity, purpose, and direction. So, if you’re ready to ride the wave of change, grab your journal and dive into the depths of Mussar.

Mussar journaling is a practice that analyzes one’s thoughts, actions, and experiences to gain greater self-awareness and maximize innate potential. To utilize Mussar journaling for self-development, one would need to set aside time regularly to engage in this self-analysis. This process could involve asking oneself questions about one’s thoughts, actions, and experiences and then writing down responses in a journal.

It is “Mussar-Inspired Journaling” because it expands the traditional method which involves focusing on a personality trait. [ for a great example, see this video by the Mussar Institute]

Some potential questions that one could ask during a Mussar journaling session include:

  • What are my motivations and intentions behind my thoughts and actions?
  • How do my thoughts and actions align with my values and goals?
  • Are there any negative or unhelpful thoughts or behaviors that I need to work on?
  • What can I learn from my experiences, and how can I apply this learning to improve myself?

By journaling daily in this way, you can gain greater insight into your thoughts, actions, and experiences. In so doing, you identify areas of personal vulnerability that are targets for improvement.

Practical steps to implement Mussar journaling into a daily practice starting this evening:

1. Set aside some time in your evening schedule for Mussar journaling. For example, 10–15 minutes, or longer if you prefer. Or you can try 3–5 minute sprints of free-flow writing. [see this Musar Institute video for an example]

2. Find a quiet and comfortable space to focus on your writing. It could be a dedicated journaling spot in your home or anywhere else that feels conducive to self-reflection and writing.

3. Begin by taking a few deep breaths and settling into a relaxed and focused state of mind. This method helps to clear your mind and prepare for the journaling session.

4. Next, consider some potential prompts or questions that you could use to guide your writing. Some examples include: From traditional methods, e.g., a trait you wish to cultivate, like Presence or Calmness. Other ideas include: Identify an interaction during the day that was particularly challenging or memorable; recall what you felt, what you thought about, what actions you took. Try to remember your intent at the time. As you replay the scene and associated insghts, ask yourself how / if this aligns with your values and goals. Visualize alteranative scenarios: How else could this interaction have played out? What lessons did you glean from the encounter and how can you apply this for the next time? What can you work on going forward?
The prompts will vary based on the encounter. The over-arching themes are 1) focused attention: identify thoughts, feelings, behaviors 2) increased self-awareness: insight into repetitive patterns of behavior, innate vulnerabilities and strengths 3) create a plan for change: explore ways to implement these insights into daily life

5. Once you have chosen a prompt or question, start writing down your responses in your journal . Don’t worry about writing perfectly — just let your thoughts and feelings flow onto the page.

6. You can either set a time or stop when you have written enough. Read over your writing and reflect on what you have written. What insights or realizations have you gained from this process? What areas for self-improvement or personal growth have you identified?

7. Finally, consider how you can incorporate the insights and key learnings from this journaling session into your daily life. What actions can you take to apply what you have learned and to continue your personal growth and development?

8. In typical Mussar Journaling, you would focus on one theme for the week, but you can do what feels most comfortable as long as you are consistent about daily practice.

With these easy steps, you can integrate Mussar journaling into your daily practice starting this evening, and you can continue to develop and grow through this powerful and transformative practice.



Doc Athene

Mentalist - bumbling through life one catastrophe at a time