8 Reasons to Own More Than One BJJ Gi

3 min readJul 5, 2024



Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) practitioners often debate whether owning multiple BJJ gis is necessary or just a luxury. However, there are several compelling reasons why having more than one BJJ gi can significantly enhance your training experience. In this article, we’ll explore eight key reasons why investing in multiple BJJ gis is not only practical but also beneficial for your training and overall enjoyment of the sport.

1. Hygiene and Maintenance

Regular training can quickly wear out a BJJ gi, especially if it’s your only one. Having multiple gis allows you to rotate them, giving each gi more time to air out and dry properly between sessions. This helps prevent bacteria buildup and unpleasant odors, promoting better hygiene and extending the lifespan of your gis.

2. Climate and Temperature Adaptability

BJJ gis come in different weights and materials suited for various climates. For instance, lightweight gis are ideal for hot and humid environments, while heavier gis provide more insulation in cooler temperatures. Owning multiple gis allows you to comfortably train year-round, adapting to seasonal changes and varying training conditions.

3. Competition Preparation

Competitive BJJ athletes often require more than one gi for tournaments. Having a backup gi ensures that you’re prepared for unexpected circumstances, such as gi inspection issues or a torn gi during a match. It also allows you to maintain a professional appearance throughout a tournament, enhancing your focus on performance rather than equipment concerns.

4. Training Intensity and Frequency

Frequent training sessions can lead to rapid wear and tear on a single gi. By owning multiple long sleeve rash guards, you can distribute the wear evenly across them, prolonging their durability. This is particularly beneficial for practitioners who train several times a week or intensively, as it reduces the need for frequent replacement and repair.

5. Style and Expression

BJJ gis come in various designs, colors, and cuts, allowing practitioners to express their individual style and personality. Owning more than one gi gives you the opportunity to diversify your wardrobe and stand out on the mats. Whether you prefer classic white gis or bold, personalized designs, having options allows you to showcase your unique identity within the BJJ community.

6. Specialized Training Needs

Different training sessions may require specific gi types. For example, some practitioners prefer lightweight gis for drilling techniques, while others opt for heavier gis for live sparring sessions. Owning multiple gis enables you to tailor your training experience based on your specific needs and preferences, optimizing your performance and comfort during different training phases.

7. Convenience and Preparedness

Having an extra short sleeve rash guards on hand provides convenience in case of emergencies, such as unexpected training opportunities or last-minute schedule changes. It ensures that you’re always prepared to participate in classes or seminars without the hassle of rushing to clean and dry a single gi. This convenience enhances your overall training consistency and readiness to engage in BJJ activities.

8. Social and Community Engagement

In the BJJ community, exchanging gis or loaning them to training partners is a common practice that fosters camaraderie and mutual support. Owning multiple gis allows you to participate more actively in these social interactions, contributing to a positive training environment and strengthening relationships with fellow practitioners.


Owning more than one bjj gi offers practical advantages beyond mere luxury. From hygiene and climate adaptability to competition readiness and personal expression, having multiple gis enhances both your training experience and your engagement within the BJJ community. By investing in a diverse collection of gis, you not only improve your preparedness and comfort but also enrich your overall enjoyment of this dynamic martial art.

