How to Contribute to the Open Source Learn To Code Platform GIGO Dev

3 min readMay 20, 2024


GIGO Dev was established with a core tenet to open-source as much of our code base as reasonably possible. Contributing to an open-source project can be a rewarding way to learn, collaborate, and give back to the community.

How to contribute to an open source Github project

Setting up your environment: Begin by forking the repository to create your personal copy, which allows you to work independently without affecting the original project.

Clone this forked repository to your local machine using a Git command, such as git clone <forked-repo-url>, to have a working copy on your computer.

Follow the project's documentation closely to install any necessary dependencies and set up your development environment. This setup ensures you have everything you need to start making contributions smoothly and effectively.

Making your changes: With your environment ready, it’s time to dive into the code. Start by creating a new branch for your work with a descriptive name using git checkout -b branch-name. This keeps your changes organized and makes it easier to manage different features or fixes you’re working on.

As you code, commit your changes in small, logical increments, accompanied by clear and descriptive commit messages. It's important to follow any commit message guidelines provided by the project to maintain consistency.

Before considering your work done, thoroughly test your changes. Running existing tests and adding new ones if necessary ensures your contributions do not inadvertently introduce new issues.

Submitting your contribution: After finalizing your changes, the next step is to share them with the project maintainers. Push your branch to your forked repository using git push origin branch-name. Navigate to the original repository and initiate a pull request (PR) from your branch.

Craft a detailed description for your PR, outlining what changes you've made and why they are beneficial. This context helps maintainers understand your contribution and its significance.

Be prepared for some back-and-forth: maintainers may request changes or provide feedback. Respond promptly and courteously, updating your PR as needed to meet the project's standards.

This collaboration not only improves your contribution but also enhances your learning and integration into the project's community.

What is GIGO Dev?

GIGO Dev is a global learn to code platform for beginner and intermediate programmers. The core development team is driven to universally improve the code learning experience for prospective programmers.

Where does the GIGO team want contribution?

As far as where in the open-source GIGO platform the development team wants community contribution: the world is yours.

We encourage everyone to find something that they find interesting. As of now the front-end UI and entire core back-end is open to the public.

Unique, smaller items include our Discord bot, Code Monkey. Code Monkey can be used to generate images, short videos, lists of movies, questions about programming, and pretty much anything else you can think of.

In Closing

The GIGO team is proud of our platform’s open source status and encourage people to contribute at whatever level they see fit. We are continuing to improve the learn to code process online, honing in on a fun, efficient way to sharpen your programming skills.

