Niche AI Writing Applications

6 min readFeb 13, 2024


Written word is one of mankind’s greatest achievements. The entire foundation of our knowledge is the result of compounding historical record passed from generation to generation culminating in the thinking rocks revolution. Communication — now brought to you by artificial intelligence.

Whether it be articles for marketing, storytelling for creatives, or self-improvement seeking perfectionists — that rough zig-zagging path can now be smoothed out with help from the machine.


Hemingway offers a writing app designed to help users improve their writing skills as a whole. The app is available for both desktop and mobile devices and is aimed at anyone who wants to improve their writing, from students to professionals.

Planting their roots down way back in 2014, Adam Long and Bryan Long started a journey towards wide-spread accessibility to improvement. Today, over 2 million people use their app each year.

Much more than just a series of grammatical error checks, the Hemingway app leverages AI to highlight lengthy, complex sentences and common errors, making it easier for users to identify areas where they can improve their writing.

If you think about it, they’re doing a service to the world really, better writers = less annoyed readers = better world.


Wordtune is an AI powered reading and writing companion capable of fixing grammatical errors, understanding context and meaning, suggesting paraphrases or alternative writing tones, and generating written text based on context. It is developed by an Israeli AI company AI21Labs

In January 2023, AI21 released Wordtune Spices — a generative-AI toolkit designed to help writers write faster. Wordtune Spices can generate sentences or whole paragraphs in tune with whatever the user is writing. VentureBeat compared it with AI-powered Grammarly while The NY Times and some other media called Wordtune a rival to ChatGPT.


Content creation is an absolute pain. After all of your hard work is finished, you’re now tasked with creating a catchy title to your masterpiece to capture the attention of the masses. This could make or break the ROI for your efforts.

Tribescaler removes the anxiety of picking and choosing the most effective title by generating hooks for your content. Think Twitter thread creation. You’ve got a whopping amount of info to share with the world and need to introduce the topic in a fun way.

On Twitter, the first tweet of a thread (a sequence of tweets) is known as the “hook”. It’s typically the only part that a user sees in their feed. Whether they engage or not will be based largely on whether the hook captures their attention.

Founded by Alex Banks and Alexander Leirvåg in January of 2022, the idea came about while Alex was trying to build an audience on Twitter. It looks like both founders are staying busy with a multitude of active projects.


Say goodbye to writer’s block and analysis paralysis. Meet BlogSEO, the AI writer that helps you research, analyze, and generate high-quality, SEO-ready blog articles based on your website.

As someone currently writing a long form piece of content, this was very interesting to run across. Can’t help but wonder if the offer meets expectations as far as quality of content. Either way, if you are heavily relying on ChatGPT etc for article generation this looks like an excellent alternative that prioritizes your desired keywords during generation.

The offer goes above and beyond simple text generation, with clear insights into your website performance via their analytic dashboard as well as direct connection to common blogging sites — allowing for seamless transition from article generation to post.

Cherry on top? They support 19 languages. Ever tried keyword research in another language? Me either, sounds like a nightmare.

Copyai is an AI-powered writing tool that generates text for users based on their input. It uses machine learning algorithms to understand the context of the input and generate high-quality, human-like content in a matter of seconds. can be used for various writing tasks such as content creation, copywriting, and product decisions. The tool provides a user-friendly interface and a variety of customization options to help users generate the text they need quickly and easily.

Compared to other AI driven marketing-oriented services, Copyai uniquely offers translation as well, allowing your campaigns to be seamlessly duplicated across multiple languages.

Founded in 2020 by Paul Yacoubian with over 10 million users today, this is definitely one to keep an eye on.


Launched in February 2021, Jasper is an AI content platform that helps creators and companies of all types expand their creative potential. Over 105,000 active customers are using Jasper to break through writer’s block, repackage their content, create original art, and adjust writing for language and tone.

With the ability to prompt The Jasper AI Copilot, marketing teams are able to transit from idea to execution faster and with better outcomes.

In a 2023 study, Jasper found the leading reasons marketers are hesitant to try AI are generic outputs (35%) and inaccuracies (36%). Their knowledge hub meets this skepticism head on by absorbing all of your current marketing content and company values to generate written suggestions that are relevant to your company.

The application of understanding your business’s brand and how it fits into the industry in comparison to your competition leads Jasper to deliver unique, creative, accurate and effective content across a broad spectrum of distribution pipelines.


Founded by Samanyou Garg in mid-2021, Writesonic is a leading generative AI Platform for Content Creation, SEO, and AI Chatbots. Improving the lives of over 10 million users by helping brands produce personalized, fact-checked, and SEO-optimized content at scale.

They boast the creation of Chatsonic — an alternative to ChatGPT that utilizes real time internet search for the most accurate, up to date results.

Additionally, through their AI chatbot builder Botsonic, they enable companies to build custom AI chatbots for automated decision-making, utilized in customer support, ecommerce, education, and other use cases.

From the marketing writer’s perspective, the ability to have a tool create content with SEO in mind is a huge plus.

As the normalization of Ai in the workforce progresses companies are materializing to fit various industry niches. Fundamentally, writing is easy. The challenge comes when one wants to complete the task well.

Regardless of the desired end product there are tools available to reduce friction in the creation process.

So, if you are an aspiring writer who wishes to generate competitive articles for marketing, a creative looking to tell a story or a self-improvement seeking perfectionist looking to round out your skills, consider leveraging these niche advances in artificial intelligence Writing to gain a competitive edge and improve your ability to transfer information.

GIGO Dev leverages AI to accelerate the learning process for prospective coders, developers and programmers. To accomplish this, we offer hundreds of bite sized programming tasks in a pre-configured online IDE, supported by your personal AI assistant, Code Teacher.

CodeTeacher understands the project, code and task you are working on. The experience is akin to having an experienced developer in chat, waiting to answer your questions and make suggestions for you to confidently proceed.


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