How to convince your boss to use outsourcing

4 min readFeb 22, 2016


You’re ready to deliver a high-quality project, but you’re going to need help. You’ve discovered outsourcing as a solution that can get the job done well, and on time. The only obstacle now? Asking your boss for the go-ahead.

Facing our superiors, and asking for what we need, can be daunting. Most of us are used to receiving orders, not proposing our own solutions. But if you’re sure outsourcing can help reach business objectives, it’s in your boss’ best interest to hear you out. Remember this when proposing an outsourcing solution, since confidence really is key.

Here are our tips for persuading management to buy into your solution:

Make Your Business Case

You’ve probably considered the benefits to you, your team, and your project, but have you considered how outsourcing will benefit the company as a whole? When making your business case, consider how outsourcing may free up resources for core business objectives, or how finding a well-equipped professional to tackle a specific obstacle in a project will help meet important deadlines. Make sure you demonstrate big picture thinking; it’ll prove your proposal solves issues beyond your own team.

Show Benefits and Offer Solutions

Chances are you’re already well aware of the pros of outsourcing. After all, you’re ready to bring this suggestion to the higher-ups. Make sure you have the advantages memorized for when you propose an outsourcing solution. For example, discuss how it gives access to specialized talent, or how it enables businesses to scale as needed – getting help when things are booming and refraining from doing so when things aren’t. There are plenty of resources out there showcasing these benefits.

Be honest, and don’t leave out the perceived cons of outsourcing when having this discussion. Show you’ve done your research, and lay out the particular disadvantages you can see affecting your project if it’s outsourced. Then give preemptive solutions. This should soothe your boss’ worries and convince them you’ve considered this realistically. For example, bringing up the possible risk of exposing confidential data when outsourcing, and immediately putting forth a plan to mitigate that risk.

Social Proof

Social influence is a proven technique of persuasion. Show your boss that people and brands they respect have already made the decision to outsource. We put together these two posts with companies you can use for examples. If your competitors currently fall into this category, let your boss know they’ve made the jump. Outsourcing isn’t a wayward risk; the large volume of respected businesses this successfully outsource is strong evidence of this.

Assemble a ‘Success Case Study’

The best way to soothe fears about outsourcing going ‘all wrong’ is to demonstrate how it can go ‘all right.’ Put together a case study to show how it’s worked for another business. Don’t go all out, of course; your boss isn’t looking for a PowerPoint presentation in lieu of a quick, casual chat. Consider finding an example that demonstrates impressive results in a context similar to your own. Let management know in plain words who outsourced what, and how it worked out for them. If you’re looking for a starting point, why not grab inspiration from our clients’ testimonials?

Suggest an Outsourcing ‘Experiment’

This is also known as the ‘Puppy Dog Close’. Don’t make your boss feel as if they’re bound to a long-term commitment. It’s easier to say yes to a trial period. Explain how you intend to outsource tasks for a single project, and how you’ll make sure to analyze the results so the experiment provides ongoing insight. If management is unsure about the advantages of outsourcing, this method will help make the decision process a little easier.

Do Your Homework

Ensure confidence in your proposal by laying out exactly how outsourcing will work for your project and team. Work out the logistics beforehand, knowing exactly which tasks you plan to outsource and who you plan to outsource to. This will also help pave the way for very clear requests. Don’t vaguely ask about outsourcing – make sure you’re asking for something specific. Show you’ve worked out exactly how to implement this solution as soon as you’ve got the go-ahead. Managers don’t want to sign up for extra management.

Be Persistent and Follow Up

It’s important to accept a firm no gracefully. Your boss is approaching this decision from a different perspective. Remember, they often have to consider bureaucratic factors outside of your scope. Respect a rejection if it comes to that, but don’t take it as an outright ‘never ever.’ Ask how you might be able to change their mind the next time, maybe for another project. See if there are particular concerns you can address moving forward.

You know what outsourcing can do for you, your team, and your business. But when it comes to your boss, all that matters is the bottom line. Excite management by showing how your proposed solution will help the company achieve its biggest goals.

Although convincing the higher-ups to give the go-ahead is integral, you also want them enthusiastically on board. After all, when everyone sees the benefits in implementing a solution, it’s far more likely to succeed.

Now that everyone is on board, are you ready to get the development help you need? Contact us for a quote.




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