Truth about Map of Africa — why it is depicted small everywhere? This is to Humilaite the black people.

Gijo Vijayan
3 min readJun 7, 2022


Dear Friends

I am Gijo Vijayan from India, blogger, author and entrepreneur.

I am here to expose a lie that is being spread deliberatley by Map making companies worldwide.

African continent is always depicted as a small piece of land? Why so?

This is to belittle the people of Africa and downgrade them and low class human beings.

The AFRICAN CONTINENT must be depicted in a much bigger size as per the WORLDMAP, stop spreading lie.

Here are the actual truths about Africa.

The area of ​​Africa = 30.37 million square
‏ The area of ​​China = 9.6 million square kilometers
‏ The area of ​​the United States = 9.8 million square kilometers
‏ The area of ​​Europe = 10.18 million square kilometers
Africa is bigger than all of Europe and China combined.
‏ But on most world maps, Africa is represented by a reduced size.
‏ Doing so by Visual Selling to Africa.
‏ — Africa owns 60% of arable land;
‏ — Africa has 90% of the reserves of raw materials;
‏ Africa holds 40% of the world’s gold reserves.
‏ — Africa, 33% of the diamond reserves.
‏ Africa has 80% of the world’s reserves of coltan (clearance for energy production and statistics), mainly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Africa holds 60% of the world’s reserves of cobalt (the mineral for making car batteries)
Africa is rich in oil and natural gas.
Africa (Namibia) has one of the richest fishing beaches in the world.
Africa is rich in manganese, iron and wood.
Africa is three times the size of China, three times the size of Europe, and three times the size of the United States of America.
- The area of ​​Africa is thirty million square kilometers (30.875.415 square kilometers);
Africa has a population of 1.3 billion (China has a population of 1.4 billion over an area of ​​more than 9.6 million square kilometers).
Which means that Africa is uninhabited.
The arable land of the Democratic Republic of the Congo can feed all of Africa.
And all the arable land in Africa is a rope to feed the whole world.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo has important rivers that can light up Africa.
The problem is that Westerners, their companies, and some African puppets have destabilized Africa for decades.
Africa is a culturally diverse continent in terms of dance, music, architecture, sculpture, etc.
- Africa is home to 30,000 prescriptions and medicinal herbs that the West adjusts in its laboratories.
The global population of young people in Africa is expected to reach 2.5 billion by 2050.

Africa represents the future of humanity kilometers.

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#Africa #map #slavery #blackpeople #cartography #colonialism #war #terrorism #disease



Gijo Vijayan

I am Gijo Vijayan, travel blogger from India. I promote tourism business globally. Website: