WebinarJAM — Here is a great platform to conduct online webinar. Conduct webinar with up to 5000 people at a time.

Gijo Vijayan
11 min readOct 31, 2023


Gijo Vijayan


I am Gijo Vijayan, blogger, author and entrepreneur from India. I write blogs about various digital marketing products that can make your life easier.

What is WebinarJam ?

With the most potent all-in-one webinar platform, you can reach more people globally. With our unique webinar system, you can host events, teach classes, reach out to your team, and boost sales and attendance all while producing a flawless live stream event from registration to replay.

At the lowest cost, WebinarJam offers the greatest features. trusted by more than 50,000 experts in 40 distinct industries.

WebinarJam is a popular webinar platform that allows individuals and businesses to host and manage webinars, live events, and online presentations. Here are some key features and information about WebinarJam:

Live Webinars: WebinarJam is primarily known for its live webinar capabilities. It allows you to schedule and host live webinars, which can include presentations, discussions, Q&A sessions, and more.

Automated Webinars: In addition to live webinars, WebinarJam offers automated webinars. These are pre-recorded webinars that can be set to run at specific times, making it convenient for participants in different time zones.

Go for WebinarJam Free Trial today itself.

Easy Setup: The platform is designed to be user-friendly, with a relatively simple setup process. You can create and schedule webinars, set up registration pages, and customize the webinar experience.

Interactive Features: WebinarJam provides various interactive features, including polls, surveys, chat rooms, and the ability to share your screen or camera feed. This encourages engagement with your audience during the webinar.

Integration: It integrates with various popular marketing and business tools, such as email marketing platforms, CRM systems, and payment gateways, making it easier to manage your webinars and reach your target audience.

Analytics: WebinarJam offers analytics and reporting tools to help you track the performance of your webinars. You can monitor attendee engagement, conversion rates, and other important metrics.

Security: The platform provides security features, such as password protection for webinars, to ensure that your online events are only accessible to the intended participants.

Scalability: WebinarJam is suitable for both small and large audiences, with options to accommodate a wide range of participants.

Webinar Recording: You can record your live webinars for later use or to share with those who couldn’t attend the live event.

Pricing: WebinarJam operates on a subscription-based pricing model, and the cost may vary based on the plan and features you choose.

Speak With Thousands of People
Expand the audience that hears your message.
With just a little effort and money, you can reach up to 5000 people in a single presentation with WebinarJam’s cloud-based broadcasting technology, which also supports up to 6 presenters.
Deliver your message to the audience, as pre-recorded video.
Additionally, it support up to six presenters, you can work alone or organize a roundtable of subject matter experts to collaborate and share their expertise on screen.

Live Chat

Chat and run Q&As in real time.

It’s no secret: live interaction with your attendees is crucial to keep your webinar events engaging and alive.

Automated Recordings
Perfect replica replays of your live webinars.
If you activate the option, WebinarJam will automatically record your live broadcast in a video file.

But, it’s not just a simple recording.
Our “Replica Replay” feature mimics, second-by-second, everything that happened in the Live Room!
For example: the chat comments will roll in at the exact second they were posted. Surveys and product offers will appear at the very same moment you popped them in your original presentation, etc.
In other words: we clock every action happening in your Live Room so we can perfectly replicate them, second by second, in the Replay Room.

As a result, your replay events will be just as engaging and vibrant as your live sessions. Plus, you get to schedule the Replay Rooms as you wish. For example, you may schedule an encore replay event to be played out 24 hours and 72 hours after the live session.

Flexible Scheduling
Run your webinars exactly when and how you need them.
Do you want to open a live room right now? Sure, no problem. Perhaps schedule an event for later on this week? Absolutely!

There’s no doubt that Zoom is a stable video conferencing platform with quality video. However, its strengths don’t extend to its “add-on” feature: Webinars.

A webinar is more than just a larger group of attendees.

It requires an entire suite of marketing tools across the entire attendee experience. Before, during and after a webinar; many of which Zoom is lacking. Including the ability to send SMS notifications before your webinar begins, beautifully customizable registration and thank you pages, and built-in sales features like countdown timers, clickable offers, and more.

Not to mention the fact that Zoom requires downloads, while WebinarJam is entirely browser-based — which lowers the barrier to entry. Read on to compare Zoom and WebinarJam, feature for feature. How about a recurrent series of webinars, such as every Wednesday and Saturday at 8:00 pm EST? Just a couple of clicks away.

All those features AND WebinarJam saves you money!

​Zoom is slightly misleading with their pricing. They lure you in with their $14.99 a month fee… but that’s just for their conferencing software, a tool that allows users to connect two-ways via videochat for small group discussions.

However, webinars are quite different. They’re one-way video communication between a presenter and a large audience. Instead of a live group meeting, they work as a presentation, class, lecture, workshop, or seminar. Webinars do not require your attendees to have advanced video software; just an internet connection.

If you want to present a webinar with Zoom, you have to fork up extra money each month for that add-on — and the price goes up exponentially as you increase attendees and hosts.

If you want 5,000 attendees per webinar, Zoom is a revenue-eating $24,900 a year. WebinarJam, on the other hand, becomes only $4,548 per year. To put that into perspective, that’s more than 5 TIMES LESS expensive than Zoom… with all our powerful features included!

Stream from anywhere!
Join the live room while on the go.
What if you can’t be at your desk for a scheduled live event? Not a problem, join in from your phone and broadcast your signal without a problem.
And what about your audience? Same thing: the WebinarJam live room, both as a presenter or as an attendee, is 100% mobile friendly!

Page Builder
Maximize your registration with our professionally designed pages.
Select your favorite template from our gorgeous library, and then customize the contents as you please: colors, text copy, images, your logo, upload a video, etc. And if you’re unsure which design will work better, WebinarJam’s system can rotate two designs — tracking in real-time which one brings more registrations into your event.

Full Email & SMS System
Keep your subscribers in the loop.
Getting people to sign up for your webinar event is one thing… getting them to show up or follow up is a different story.
WebinarJam allows you to schedule a series of reminder notifications, via email and phone text, so your registrants never miss your events!

Panic Button
Sometimes tech issues happen… now you’ve got an escape plan.
No matter how robust a webinar platform is (and WebinarJam is plenty!), technical mishaps do happen: your webcam wouldn’t turn on, or your audience cannot hear your audio, or you lose connection to the room, etc.

Polls & Surveys
Quiz your audience and get to know them.
One of the main benefits of webinars is that they connect you, in real-time, with your audience. No barriers, no impediments… they’re right there with you!

Drawing Board
Enhance your presentations with your own personal touch.
Slide presentations are great, but sometimes they might feel a bit cold and impersonal.

Video Injections
Plug in a video and run your presentation on autopilot.
There are situations when pre-recording a portion (or the entirety) of your presentation might be a good idea.

One-Click Registration
Push your sign-up ratios through the roof.
Most people don’t like to fill in registration forms, no matter how short and well designed they might be.
Now, thanks to our One-Click Registration technology, they won’t have to fill in anything!

Automated integrations
Connect WebinarJam with your autoresponder or CRM of choice.
You’re probably managing your contacts database with your autoresponder or CRM software, right? Luckily, WebinarJam integrates with most of the top brands in the industry.

Control Panel
Let your staff moderate and manage the event while you focus on the presentation. Imagine putting hundreds of people in a webinar room and you need to manage the whole thing: speaking and conducting the presentation, moderating the live chat, publishing polls and offers at the right time, highlighting announcements, inviting people to speak, Q&A, and all the rest…

Free or Paid
Charge a fee for your live sessions.
Some webinars are better off remaining free. However, if you’re a coach, therapist, teacher or consultant providing a paid service, you might be charging a fee for those live sessions.

Always-On Room
Reserve a 24/7 dedicated, branded room for your business.
If you or your company conduct recurring live sessions, you will love our Always-On room feature!
First of all, the URL is branded with your company name, plus the link never changes, so it’s easy to remember and pass around.

Password Protected Rooms
Secure your content.
Sometimes you might want to restrict access to your live room only to customers and peers with a valid password. Perhaps the topics discussed in the room are of a sensitive nature, are meant for paying customers only, or perhaps it’s a corporate meeting for high-level executives only.
Whatever the case might be, if you feel that you want to restrict access to your live room, the password feature is right here at your disposal.

Automatically ban inappropriate words
Performance Stats In Real Time.
Don’t let inappropriate chat messages ruin your entire presentation. You can prevent that from happening by banning specific words — like scam, idiot, etc. — in your chat message.

Monitor all webinar sign-ups from your inbox
Reserve a 24/7 dedicated, branded room for your business.
You can choose to receive an email notification whenever a person registers for your webinar.
When enabled, each email notifies you of the new attendee’s name, email, webinar they attended, and what time they chose to watch.

Get more sign-ups and higher quality leads
Performance Stats In Real Time.
You can split-test up to two registration pages per webinar and quickly determine which page is generating more sign-ups or providing the best lead conversions.
Whatever your experience or skill level, you can now consistently create high-converting webinar registration pages for all your live and evergreen webinars.

WebinarJam empowers you with flexible options: live chat, question and answer, private comments, moderation capabilities, highlighted comments, sticky announcements, etc. You’ll have everything you need to keep your attendees fully hooked all the way through!

It’s essential to note that while WebinarJam offers many features, there are also alternatives available, such as Zoom, GoToWebinar, and Webex, which may better suit your specific needs and preferences. Before choosing a webinar platform, it’s a good idea to compare the features, pricing, and integrations to determine which one aligns best with your goals and requirements.

Grab WebinarJam today itself. Get 30 days money back guarantee.

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About the Author — Gijo Vijayan

My name is Gijo Vijayan. I am a blogger, author and entrepreneur from India.

I am former student of prestigious military school in India, Sainik School Kazhakootam, Kerala, India.

I did my Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from MA College of Engineering in 1996, MG University, Kerala, India.

Later I worked in companies like Kochi Refineries Ltd, Reliance Petroleum Ltd (Jamnagar, Gujarat).

I am also published author of 3 Books, you can see my Amazon Author Page Here.

I am into own business from 2005 on wards.

I own several startup companies and work in Recruitment, IT, Technology domain.

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Gijo Vijayan

I am Gijo Vijayan, travel blogger from India. I promote tourism business globally. Website: www.GijoKV.com