Running a lean startup on Azure DevOps

Gilad Khen
6 min readJul 14, 2019


Kanban for lean RnD— credit: Azure DevOps

TL;DR — lean epics, features, stories

We will review our in-house implementation of a lean startup exploratory lifecycle using Azure DevOps epics, features stories and tasks.

Epics, features, stories, tasks — credit: Compound Learning

Lean startup exploratory lifecycle

Lean is a framework that takes a flexible approach to software-based solution delivery. Lean lifecycle is typically followed in situations where you are unsure of who your user base is, or what your user base wants.

Lean startup Exploratory lifecycle — credit: Disciplined Agile toolkit

Lean software artifacts

The two main artifacts of lean are MVP and MMP:

  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
    A product with just enough features to satisfy early users. The final, complete set of features is only designed and developed after considering feedback from the product’s initial users. Gathering insights from an MVP is often less expensive than developing a product with more features, which increases costs and risk if the product fails.
  • Minimum Marketable Product (MMP).
    A product development strategy that is based on the philosophy that “less is more”. The MMP describes the product with the smallest possible set of features that can address the user needs, creates the desired user experience, and can hence be marketed and sold successfully. The MMP is a tool to reduce time-to-market: It can be launched more quickly than a fat, feature-rich one.

Lean startup RnD lifecycle

Instead of slowly baking a well known product, we iterate multiple mostly baked MVP -> MMP epics discovery rounds until we find a product market fit.

Lean product fit exploration with MVP and MMP — credit: Visual Paradigm

Each iteration is a two week sprint shipping stories from the backlog.

Lean RnD with 2 week agile sprints, daily scrum — credit: Visual Paradigm

The 51% experimentation rule

Mostly inspired by SpaceX RnD model. Each epic should have a 51% chance of success. NASA would wait until they had 80–90% chance of success and there would be lot more meetings about the work or process.

This more rapid testing leads to more rapid development.

SpaceX lean RnD take on NASA — X5 efficiency at 1/5 of the cost — credit: every day astronaut

Our team includes 6 fullstack engineers and 2 devops, are able to maintain 5 active epics = about 10 concurrent active features. We aim to deliver 5 new epics every 4 * two weeks sprints.

Feature Timeline in Azure DevOps — credit: Feature timeline Azure DevOps Extension

This model allows us to explore 2–3 hypothesis every quarter, 1–2 of which will mature from MVP to MMP and then productized.

Lean with Azure DevOps — a startup’s journey

The question we will try to answer is “how good of a fit is Azure DevOps for lean startups?”

My baseline for evaluating was heavily biased towards AWS alternatives.

Spoiler — 9/10 score — pretty awesome fit

All in all I think MS has done a killer job in making their cloud accessible for lean startups, given the following setup time:

  • 2–3 days required for cloud setup
  • 2–3 days for Git / CI / CD setup
  • 2–3 days for lean process and boards

Being Microsoft and all, setup this meant visiting multiple customization forms for states and layouts. All in all not a bad experience, compared with Jira’s awkward UX.

Azure DevOps — the good

Azure DevOps comes preloaded with everything you need to run end to end RnD:

  • Goody #1- iterations for sprints
Feature sprint timeline in Azure DevOps — credit: Feature timeline Azure DevOps Extension
  • Goody #2 - GIT
GIT Commits in Azure DevOps
Track pull requests and code changes from Stories
  • Goody #3 - even more GIT awesomeness
GIT Branch policies in Azure DevOps
GIT Pull Requests in Azure DevOps
VS Code first class support in Azure DevOps
  • Goody #4 - release pipelines automation for lean DevOps
Release Pipelines in Azure DevOps
Recommended Azure DevOps Extension — Multivalue control and Feature timeline and Epic Roadmap

So, yeah. That’s quite a long list under “good”.

Azure DevOps — The bad

Azure DevOps — The ugly

Configure Azure DevOps for lean workflow

We followed a two step plan:

  • Step 1: Configure lean process
  • Step 2: Configure Kanban boards

Since our source control was already

Step 1: Configure Azure DevOps organization process for lean

In Azure DevOps go to Organization Settings > Process:

  • 1.1 Create a new lean process
Creating a lean process as child of Agile
  • 1.2 Process > Epic
Customizing Epic item type for lean
  • 1.3 Process > Feature
Customizing Feature item type for lean
  • 1.4 Process > Story
Customizing Story item type for lean
  • Step 2: Configure Azure DevOps boards for lean

At this point our newly created lean process is ready, just need to configure the default board views for Product and RnD.

  • 2.1 Boards > Backlog > Epics
Customizing Epics Kanban for lean in Azure DevOps Boards
  • 2.2 Boards > Backlog > Features
Customizing Features Kanban for lean in Azure DevOps Boards
  • 2.3 Boards > Backlog > Stories
Customizing Stories Kanban for lean in Azure DevOps Boards

Key takeaways

  • Running a lean startup on Azure DevOps requires heavy buy-in to MS DevOps toolset.
  • With the above in mind, adopting an end-to-end lean RnD cycle like ours is likely feasible if you are running on GIT and K8S.
  • Epics, features and stories make the bulk of the content that needs to be managed to deliver MVPs and MMPs.
  • Adapting Azure DevOps work items states and fields to reflect lean workflow was intuitive and quick.
Up next: exploring UI concepts in Adobe XD



Gilad Khen

Hands-on technologist passionate about software innovation, product development and machine learning