15 Perspective Changing Quotes From Atlas Shrugged

Gilberto Rosas
6 min readMay 31, 2016

I actually read this incredibly long book last summer and as I as looking back through some quotes on my Evernote, I found these gems and thought they’re just too good not to share with all of you. These are the ones that really struck a chord and that’s saying a lot about these quotes since this was a 1000+ page book that they were dug out of.

I sincerely hope this brings as much “aha” moments to you as it did for me.

“What’s wealth but the means of expanding one’s life”

This is by far one of the most beautiful perspectives that I’ve encountered regarding the creation of wealth. To be wealthy is to be abundant. A truly wealthy individual has a rich life and not just a life filled with riches. There’s a difference between the two. Having riches may get you the car you desire and the extravagant house you’ve been dreaming of but the happiness from that eventually subsidies. At the end of the day you’ll be left with the burning question: Are you happy?

“Every living thing must grow. It can’t stand still. It must grow or perish”

It’s the way of the nature. You’re either growing and getting better or you’re getting worse and even if it may seem as though you’re staying the same, give it a couple months. just like it took you time to see results when you were…



Gilberto Rosas

I write about self improvement, entrepreneurship, consciousness, and life experiments from my own life. Founder at maverickupgrade.com