Yoda’s 7 Powerful Insights on Fear and Failure

Gilberto Rosas
4 min readOct 18, 2019

Hands down, Yoda is one of the most iconic characters that has lasted decades. He’s like the short green Dumbledore of Star Wars. Regardless, his wisdom shines through and leaves an imprint of impactful advice for those seeking it.

Here’s 7 of the most powerful quotes by the Jedi master himself on something that every person has faced at least to some extent in their lives: crippling fear and ego shattering failure.

Here goes…

“Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

It is believed by the Buddhists that attachment is the root of all suffering. Similarly, when we put so much strong emotion like fear over a circumstance, it creates nothing but suffering.

I know for me, when I feel the fear of doing something and I end up not doing it, I feel anger towards myself but I’ve realized that it hurts me more than it helps me.

Instead I forgive myself for not having taken the action because I understand I am only human and instead use that initial anger to fuel my action.

When this circumstance occurs again, I remember the feeling of regret and anger and use that to push me into doing what it is I need to do.



Gilberto Rosas

I write about self improvement, entrepreneurship, consciousness, and life experiments from my own life. Founder at maverickupgrade.com