5 Ways to Ward Off Sparse Eyelashes

Struggling with sparse eyelashes?

Gilfa Joy Salibio
3 min readMay 20, 2024
Author’s image. Photo from Marketing Templates Co.

Sparse eyelashes can be a bummer, can’t they?

They leave us feeling like our eyes lack that extra pop and allure.

Good news! There are simple, effective ways to support fuller, healthier lashes.

What are Sparse Eyelashes?

Sparse eyelashes occur when your lashes are thin, short, or fewer in number.

This can result from various factors, including genetics, aging, or certain lifestyle habits. It’s a common issue addressed with the right approach and care.

What Causes Sparse Eyelashes?

Several factors may contribute to sparse eyelashes:

  • Genetics — Your genes play a significant role in the thickness and length of your lashes.
  • Aging — As we grow older, our hair, eyelashes included, tends to thin out.
  • Poor Makeup Habits — Frequent use of mascara and improper makeup removal can weaken lashes.
  • Medical Conditions — Certain conditions and treatments, such as chemotherapy, may lead to lash loss.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies — Lack of essential vitamins and minerals can affect hair growth.

5 Ways to Ward Off Sparse Eyelashes

1. Nourish from Within. Enjoy a diet rich in vitamins and minerals. It’s essential for hair health, including your lashes. Foods like salmon, eggs, and nuts are packed with nutrients that may support lash growth. If you’re not getting enough from food, consider a supplement.

2. Gentle Makeup Removal. Gentleness is key to maintaining lash health. Tugging or rubbing your eyes can weaken your lashes and lead to breakage. Use a gentle, oil-based cleanser to dissolve mascara and other eye makeup. Always pat dry — never rub!

3. Condition Your Lashes. Just like your hair, your lashes benefit from conditioning. Lash serums and conditioners help to keep them moisturized and healthy. Opt for those with natural ingredients like biotin and peptides. They may promote lash strength and thickness.

4. Be Mindful of Beauty Tools. Eyelash curlers and false lashes can be fun, but they can also be harsh on your natural lashes if not used correctly. Always use an eyelash curler with a soft, rubber pad and be gentle. If you love false lashes, opt for high-quality ones and avoid wearing them daily to give your natural lashes a break.

5. Support with Naturenetics HairAnew. One of my favorite ways to ward off sparse eyelashes is with Naturenetics HairAnew Hair Growth Vitamins. This vegan supplement is formulated to support hair health from the inside out, including your lashes. With a blend of essential vitamins and minerals, HairAnew promotes thicker, faster-growing hair. Plus, a part of the proceeds goes to hair loss charities, so you’re doing good while looking good.


Sparse eyelashes don’t have to be a permanent concern. By incorporating these tips into your routine, you can promote fuller, healthier lashes. Remember, it’s about consistency and gentle care. Treat your lashes with kindness, and they’ll thank you by looking their best.

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Gilfa Joy Salibio

Registered Nurse |Quora Writer|Social Media Engagement|VA |CSR | Operations |Project Manager