On a search for timeless content

I’m creating a database of “timeless” content on the web. Here’s why it’s necessary — and how you can get in on the fun.

Gilles Vanermen
Timeless Wisdom
4 min readDec 31, 2017


Problem: The internet is flooded

The endless stream of new content coming online nowadays is startling.

  • Every day, more than 2 million articles are published on the web
  • Every minute, 300 hours of video are uploaded to Youtube
  • There are over 200.000 active podcasts on iTunes alone

New information is competing for your attention 24/7, day in day out. It has simply become impossible to keep up with all the new trends, hypes and fads.
Especially on news sites, but even on well-cultured ones like Medium, it is hard not to be overwhelmed.

In our 24–7-on world… New information competes for your attention all the time.

So should we all take an anti-digital pill? Abandon the web altogether? That sounds like throwing the baby out with the bathwater…

Let’s dig a little deeper. I’ll use my own experience as an example.

Consequence: High quality material is increasingly hard to find…

I’m kind of a personal development freak. I’m always looking for new and interesting ideas; I ponder endlessly about what I should be doing with my life; I love to try out that new productivity method or new workout routine, …

Here’s the amazing thing: there is actually a lot of great content out there on personal growth!

Content that is inspirational, but also practical, actually getting you to do or change something in your life. And best thing of all — most of it is completely free! Some examples:

But here’s the bad news: 99% of life advice/personal growth on the web is mediocre to crap.

Things I’ve seen most frequently:

  • Fuzzy positive psych-thoughts (Law of attraction? Visualization? What?)
  • Vague statements (“Provide value”, “Find your passion”, … Yes but how?)
  • “High-performance coaching”, basically people charging $3000 to fix your mental state or launch that new product(Maybe next time…)
  • The list goes on…
“Thank you for your advice… What do I do next ?”

Now when an author does get it right, and produces some truly valuable content… They try to build a business around this. (I don’t blame them). However, the result is that there are 3 great pieces on his site… And then 50 mediocre outings, simply made to drive traffic.

Final result: the truly valuable, “timeless” pieces are buried under a load of mediocre or even bad content.

Solution: We need a filter for GREAT material

So… You have 10 minutes when you’re not working or Netflixing… and you feel like reading something that will actually matter to you and your life… What do you do?

That’s where Timeless comes in. We’re building a curated a database of pieces of wisdom. Short-form, snackeable material that will actually put something valuable into your brain….

How? During the past years, I’ve created my own “curriculum” of content, by following about a thousand different newsletters, blogs, podcasts, Youtube channels, … and bookmarking the stuff that truly resonated with me. During the past year, I’ve started filling it up with other’s people suggestions who knew I was on this search. We’ve currently gathered over 400 pieces that we identify as high-quality content: from no-nonsense practical advice to the inspirational and motivational pieces.

And now we’re distributing them right into your Whatsapp and e-mail inboxes!

Amongst others, we cover:

  • Productivity
  • Creativity
  • Life advice (~What advice would you give an 18-year old?)
  • Health (Diet)
  • Health (Fitness)
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Decision making
  • Lessons from history
  • Technology
  • Personal finance
  • Mindset & Neuroplasticity
  • Self-experimentation

After you’ve gotten the taste of a few articles — we allow you to rate them and start adjusting the content to your preferences. You can also choose how many articles you receive per week and what timing you like to read (Morning, Evening, Weekends, …).

What if there was an online library of truly valuable content? Not clickbait?

Don’t hesitate to contact us with any feedback or comments, or have a look at our Timeless homepage!

All the best,

Gilles Vanermen

