Becoming Fearless

Gillian Caughey
2 min readJul 29, 2016


I’ve just given myself a hard but needed kick up the arse.

Maybe I should be writing that as ‘I had an epiphany’ but since I’m Northern Irish and live in Glasgow, Scotland my language is generally somewhat blunt.

Anyway back to that foot and my rear end.

It has been 8 months since I left my very well paid corporate job. It has been 5 months since I turned 40. It has been just over 4 months since I received my Practising Certificate from ICAS (The essential piece of paper I need to run Fearless Financials as my own Chartered Accountancy Practice).

I’ve been busy. Gaining clients and delivering work. Being a parent, a partner, a daughter, a friend. Dealing with physical pain and the resulting negative emotions. Being woken at ungodly hours by a toddler. Trying desperately to find the energy and motivation to get everything done.

Doing my best.

Or so I told myself.

Until last week. When a number of people helped me realise that I was letting my fears take over Fearless Financials and my life.

My fear of dreaming big. Of wanting to build an amazing business that approaches numbers and the financial side of business differently. That reaches those left cold by the traditional accountant. That helps people face their fear of their numbers so they can use them to achieve their visions of success.

My fear of being vulnerable. My fear of making my family vulnerable through entrepreneurship.

My fear of trying to be successful on my terms.

My fear of failure. My fear of not failing.

My fear of pissing people off. Of not being liked. Of not fitting in.

My fear of being me. The good, the bad and the ugly parts that all make me, me.

My fear of letting people down. My family, my friends, my clients.


I then realised the irony of calling my business Fearless Financials and then being consumed by fear myself.

So I decided FUCK FEAR. I’ve had enough. I’m 40 for heaven’s sake. If not now, when? So I decided to face my fears. I’ve decided to #BeFearless.

As one of the first steps to becoming fearless I am tackling a HUGE fear of mine. My fear of writing. Of putting opinions in permanent words. Leaving myself open to criticism. Being vulnerable through honest words on a (virtual) page. There’s a reason I dropped all subjects that required essays as soon as I could….

However I can’t ask my clients to face their fear of numbers if I don’t face my fear of writing.

So here goes.

Will you join me on my journey to #BeFearless?

I would love to hear your thoughts or advice on tackling fears in the comments below.

If you would like help conquering your fear of the numbers side of your business then email me at



Gillian Caughey

Chartered Accountant helping creative & independent businesses use their numbers to achieve their success. Enjoying lots of client hugs!