A Satisfying Sleep Life IS Possible!

Gilly Beans Gems
5 min readSep 30, 2016


My son. He’s not the one with the sleep problem.

Do you ever look longingly at someone sleeping hard? You know that completely unconscious, vulnerable, deep, rejuvenating sleep that only young children seem to get these days and think “WOW!! If only that was me!” I know I do. I see people in that deep, drool prone sleep and my soul cries…at least it used to. You see, I now get a few REALLY good nights a month and a handful of OK nights a week rather than a few nights of decent sleep in a year.

How did I make the change from mostly bad to mostly good? Well, it didn’t happen overnight (haha). When I found out I was going to have a GIANT life changing event within a year I knew if didn’t start learning how to get some proper sleep immediately I’d be a total mess when the baby came. So, I consulted my Soul Team and got to work. I found a few things that helped me and I’d like to share them with you. The first and maybe most important thing I realized is that sleep is a skill. One that you need to learn and, like any skill learned wrong it isn’t very easy to relearn it right. However, with the right tools and practice (my favourite part!) you can get some of that coma-like sleep that some people are able to attain every night.

That used to be me. The one who isn’t sleeping.

The next tool on my journey to a Satisfying Sleep Life is an inner dialogue with my Soul Team. I use it EVERY TIME I’m ready to sleep. This conversation involves sincere thanks (that’s very important!) for the events of the day that have been sent my way and for Their continued help in assimilating those lessons into my daily life. I also state that with Their help I will get enough sleep so that I can function effectively and with vitality during my next active period and that I will wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready to successfully navigate my way through another day. The conversation changes depending on what is happening in my life and how tired I am but, those points are included each time. I notice a big difference when I fall asleep without having that inner conversation. Also, it works for naps!! Can you imagine?? An effective nap?!?

The conversation with my Soul Team evolved from the first tool I incorporated into my bedtime routine. A very specialized affirmation I wrote to use as a mantra. I start about thirty minutes before bed and just keep repeating it until I fall asleep. If I’m having a sleepless night I start when I realize what’s happening. Does that happen to you? You’re tossing and turning the night away getting more and more upset about how soon the alarm will be going off and you end up so angry you don’t realize that you’re keeping yourself awake. Yeah, me too. It’s a vicious and frustrating cycle isn’t it? You can see the actual affirmation/mantra in blue below. The results after the first time I used it were so amazing that I kept it up and now, I have very few sleepless nights.

Please understand that I was a chronically bad sleeper. I never EVER got a good rest or enough sleep and was ALWAYS tired for SO. MANY. YEARS. In fact, unless I broke down and took something to help me I just didn’t get a decent sleep. As long as you don’t count passing out from exhaustion getting a decent sleep…which I don’t. It happened though, more often than I’m willing to admit but I didn’t want that to be my “normal” anymore. Things needed to change. Permanently. Naturally.

I’m not entirely against medication I just prefer to avoid it. Also, I am a HUGE fan of Homeopathic Remedies and have had some great success using them but, I didn’t really want to rely on those either. So, I committed to putting in the work and now I regularly get a good sleep and I didn’t change anything except my inner dialogue.

I also realized that there is a certain TIME that is good for me to sleep, not just a certain number of hours. I know about all the literature out there that says something like “get up early, work hard, eat right, exercise and you’ll enjoy a peaceful sleep every night.” Well, that just isn’t true. At least, it isn’t true for me…and I know I’m not the only one. I failed spectacularly at that method for years!! Luckily, I ended up in a position where I was able to figure out my ideal sleep time. Finally! YAY!!! I was able to be more productive and less cranky. AND as an added bonus I can get by on fewer hours of sleep….if I want or need to.

So, to review:
· sleep is a skill, find the right tools and practice
· have a conversation in your head every night before you go to sleep, recap the day and state that you will have a good sleep and wake up on time, refreshed etc.
· use the mantra; the more you use it the better the results
· find YOUR ideal sleep time

My wish is that you learn to thrive with the help of a great Sleep Life rather than just slog miserably through your remaining days. So, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me because if I can achieve a wonderful sleep on a regular basis with no medication of any kind then anyone can and I’d love to help whoever is willing to put in the work and try. You can find me on my blog at www.GillyBeansGems.energy. I look forward to seeing you there!!

Best regards and kind thoughts;

❤ GillyBean.

***all custom drawings are done by Jackie K Eksi and used with permission from the artist. Please contact me for more information about her.***



Gilly Beans Gems

Do-er of things. Giver-er of unsolicited advice. Dream-er of wild dreams. Come see me at www.GillyBeansGems.energy