Egypt Blocks Medium at COP27

Wi-Fi censors Human Rights Watch and News websites.

Gil Pires
Climate Conscious


Photo by Jay Wennington on Unsplash.

The 27th United Nations (UN) Climate Change Conference is off to a bad start. Two days in and the biggest news marking the event is not climate policy, but the oppression of protesters by the Egyptian Government and the on-site censorship of online platforms — including Medium.

Officially called the Conference of Parties (COP), the UN Climate Change Conference is an annual summit taking place since 1995, which gathers world leaders, experts and activists from around the world to discuss the ongoing climate crisis.

This year, the 27th Conference (COP27) will take place in Egypt, between November 6th and November 18th — more specifically in the Red Sea resort town of Sharm El-Sheikh. And, as always, the summit will provide a platform for governments and organizations to announce new climate targets and initiatives.

However, the decision to host the event in Egypt — a country with limited freedom of speech — has been controversial, given that these conferences are also intended to serve as an opportunity for climate activists to make themselves heard.

