GIN Special Report — Meet the team

GIN Platform
4 min readAug 24, 2018


We’re lining up all the team members. So you know who’s who and who does what.

We’re all peas in a pod. (Photo by Rachael Gorjestani on Unsplash)

You already met the founders.

Emil Muthu

15 years entrepreneurial experience in the IT industry, time during which he delivered products and services from SMEs to large corporations and governments with the team and experience built at Neurony. Find him at

Alexandru Andreescu

Big blockchain enthusiast, founder and former CEO of SipStatus, a 100 mil. wholesale telecom company, co-founder at SipX Technologies data mining and hosting company and currently CFO of GIN Platform. Find him at

Dragoș Badea

Engineer by nature, passionate about new tech in general and blockchain in particular, co-founder of multiple tech companies, currently GM and co-founder at YArooms International, an international platform for meeting room management. Find him at

Alexandru Stănescu

Worked and studied on a wide span of legal areas from banking, capital markets, EU consumer protection in financial instruments up to cross-border treaty and commercial arbitration. He has more than 12 years experience in law and business working and studying in 7 different countries. In a world of regulatory uncertainty related to crypto investing, Alexandru puts the policy maker hat obtained at the European Investment Bank and the World Bank Group, to help GIN navigate towards our common vision. He speaks 5 foreign languages and is an avid supporter of disruptive technologies. Find him at

Unrelated squirrel. (Photo by Norja V on Unsplash)

Now it’s time to meet the rest of the GIN team.

Luchian Mihalcea

Worked for almost 15 years in the Customs domain, at a customs broker company. Previous endeavors include the passion of dealing with people and communities of all sorts. Currently provides support with the GIN Platform team. A lot of you know him as “Rattler”. Some things he enjoys in his leisure are spending time with his family and friends and being the biggest FC Barcelona fan in Romania. His message for the community: “Always a pleasure helping you guys out.”. Find him at:

Adrian Lorincz

Also known as tts1521, Adrian is always happy to lend a helping hand in support. He’s an altcoins enthusiast, which makes him spend, on average, ~ 2h researching projects. He likes pets (he’s a proud owner of three cats and three dogs) and is a huge fan of a very fizzy drink that is not Pepsi. Find him at:

Mircea Radu

Mircea is more of a doer than a talker and the main driver behind most new coin additions. He doesn’t have a LinkedIn profile because he doesn’t need one. And by the way, those results in Google search… Yeah, that’s not him.

Tiamo Idzenga

Tiamo is the youngest one in the team. His username was his name from the start, so he wasn’t even anonymous at any point. But in the spirit of this full team reveal, his name is Tiamo Idzenga. He got the crypto-bug early in the game and is now studying computer science. In his words: “I like programming *shrug*”. Find him at:

Adrian Grigore

Adrian has been in marketing for the past 7 years, switched to tech and digital 5 years ago and likes raunchy jokes and trolling trolls. You can now attribute the sassiness in team GIN to a face. See it here: Adrian is the one on the left.

Adriana Zbanț

Passionate about philosophy and cognitive science, which she both studied, Adriana sparks the most interesting discussions in the office. One of her interests regards face perception, so either bring your best arguments or your poker face. Avid reader and carer of books. Handles marketing and copywriting for the GIN project.


You know her as greenapple, the one that brings the bounties. Also the one that wrote the short descriptions above and a lot of the articles for the GIN project. She handles most of GIN’s marketing activities and wouldn’t boast about her hard work so Adrian took over the writing of this bit. She brings sassy memes to the table and a keen research eye. Shares custody of social channels with Adrian. Loves movies and puzzles. Deeply values her privacy.

Here’s to everyone on the team! (Photo by Wil Stewart on Unsplash)



GIN Platform

GIN provides cryptocurrency investors with an easy way of creating and deploying their own masternode(s) - regardless of their technical abilities |