This week in GIN — 13th of July, 2018

GIN Platform
3 min readJul 13, 2018


ALQO migration

After discussing with ALQO, both teams have decided that the masternode market would benefit more from having our two products further specialise in what they do best. As such, ALQO will no longer pursue the Masternode Setup Services segment and will instead focus on their core features. All existing clients currently on ALQO’s platform can opt to be migrated to GIN. We are prepared to make the transition as seamless as possible. (For further details, please refer to alq0-migration channel in the GIN Discord.)

Photo by Morvanic Lee on Unsplash

We would like to thank the ALQO team for the vote of confidence and promise their community we will do our best to offer the best user experience possible.

In order to further support the ALQO community during the transition, we will offer one month free hosting, proactive support, portfolio management reporting for the first 100 ALQO masternode holders migrating to GIN.

If you have just migrated to GIN and would like to be considered for the offer above, please register here —

Platform updates

Two new features have been added on the platform this week:

  • an option to choose the preferred currency — either EUR or GBP
  • two indicators on the platform homepage — one for the total number of MNs and one that shows the value of all the MNs hosted

Coin updates

This week’s coins are:

Coin overview

At the moment, we’re at 3,194 masternodes — for an updated number in real time, check the platform, right on the top!

Currently, GIN coin is estimated at 0.00117916 BTC.

The GIN platform has now served to setup and host the following masternodes:

Tier 1

  • Bulwark
  • DASH
  • GIN coin
  • Ionomy
  • MCT
  • Phore
  • PIVX
  • SmartCash
  • Syscoin
  • ZCoin

Tier 2

  • AceD
  • ALQO
  • Apollon
  • APR Coin
  • Bifrost
  • Bitcoin Green
  • Bulwark
  • Carebit
  • Deviant
  • Dystem
  • Faust
  • GenesisX
  • GoByte
  • HexxCoin
  • Kalkulus
  • LightPayCoin
  • Marble
  • Mano
  • MonetaryUnit
  • Monoeci
  • Motion
  • Nodium
  • PACCoin
  • Pura
  • Rhenium
  • Seather
  • SIBCoin
  • Solaris
  • Stakenet
  • Stipend
  • VSync
  • Zealium
  • ZestCoin

Tier 3

  • Agena
  • Bitcoin Incognito
  • KrakenCoin
  • LuckyBit

GIN in other media

The CryptoTalk community asked us to do an AMA on their subreddit:

In collaboration with CryptoFizz, we put together a super comprehensive, super interesting article about Bitcoin and the story of money. Part 1 can be found here: and part 2 is here: We would very much appreciate it if you shared it on your channels or inside your communities!

Cryptodad sketched a summary of what is GIN coin and GIN platform: What can I say but… Hello, Cryptodad, I’m the writer of these weekly updates and I’m grateful you wrote about us.



GIN Platform

GIN provides cryptocurrency investors with an easy way of creating and deploying their own masternode(s) - regardless of their technical abilities |