This week in GIN — 18th of May, 2018

GIN Platform
3 min readMay 18, 2018


Welcome to your weekly dose of GIN news and updates! It’s been another full week, so here’s the summary of everything that’s happened.

Telegram — Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Telegram Group Launch

The GIN team set up and launched the official GIN Telegram group. You can find it here ( and we would very much appreciate it if you would share it with your friends, family, pets, boss, the guy that you buy coffee from in the morning and your mailman. The more, the merrier! As soon as the group gets to 1,000 members, GIN will re-apply to CMC. Share and invite!

Coins — Photo by Ryan Thomas Ang on Unsplash

Coin updates

One more coin was added to the platform:

Rhenium coin — welcome to the GIN club, XRH!

The GIN platform surpassed 1,000 masternodes. We rewarded the 1,000th MN owner with 2 years of hosting and the 1,100th MN owner with 1 year of hosting. Congrats to both! Currently, we’re at 1140.

At the moment of writing, 1 GIN coin is estimated at 0.00066130 BTC.

The GIN platform has now served to setup and host the following 1140 MasterNodes (and a few more for coins that are no longer supported by the platform, but kept for existing MN holders of said coins):

This, but less lame — Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Team additions

We officially welcomed Tiamo (Tiamo#1675 on Discord) to the GIN Platform team! He joined the team as a Junior Software Engineer and is going to work on the platform with the rest of the devs.

Cast your ballot — Photo by Arnaud Jaegers on Unsplash

Coin addition voting system

As part of our journey one of the first difficult problems we had to solve is whether a coin applying for listing on the GIN Platform was likely to become scam or not. This split the community in two camps, one saying we should vet the coins, others saying we should let any coin in.

With the help of the GINAT team we analysed coins as well as we could, but this lead to some abuse from some members on one side and wasted time of other valuable members on the other. To avoid this in the future, we proposed to increase the reach of this decision and allow any GIN MN hosted on the GIN Platform to decide whether a coin should be listed or not (only coins that apply).

Rules of the game:

>> We will keep the coin tiers and prices

>> We will ask a question similar to the current one for each coin that applies

>> GIN MN owners will have 3 days to cast their vote for each coin

>> The vote is not mandatory

>> The vote is secret

>> Only MNs created before the voting round started can cast a vote

>> Only ENABLED MNs can cast a vote

Real time results can be seen here:!/votes

To vote, simply go to your masternode details page in the platform and you can’t miss it.

GIN in other media

We received a review from ScamXposed (cheers, man!) that you can view here:

And another one from Jay, the metalhead cryptohead (wooo!):

We were added on WorldCoinIndex:



GIN Platform

GIN provides cryptocurrency investors with an easy way of creating and deploying their own masternode(s) - regardless of their technical abilities |