This week in GIN — 19th of April, 2019

GIN Platform
2 min readApr 19, 2019


Freighter Fleet Update

If you kept your eyes on the Freighter Fleet real time explorer ( you have probably noticed new activity, especially CDeploy and CResult messages which seem to popup from time to time. This is because the test Cargo has just started running on the Freighter Fleet and the map lightens every 15 minutes when new batches of Cargo are deployed. We also put together a new stats panel so you can see the activity in real time. It’s right in the bottom left.

Currently, it shows:

Cargo deployed 7827

Active Freighters 19

Total CPUs 29

Total Memory 55 GB

Total Disk 2.6 TB

The fleet currently runs very basic test jobs which will become more complex in the coming days.

Roadmap & Current progress

  • 20 Alpha Freighters onboarded — done
  • Freighter software alpha — done
  • GIN Platform DAM software alpha — done
  • EU1 GIN Platform DAM software deployment — done
  • Real time network explorer — done
  • Test Cargo (jobs) — in progress
  • Test Cargo (daemons)
  • DAM high availability with 3 geographical locations
  • Scheduling engine with geographical targeting
  • Cargo payments & settlement
  • 100 Private beta Freighters onboarded
  • 3rd party masternode deployments
  • Public beta

New Community Voting System

We have also launched the new voting system for GIN Foundation governance purposes. It allows masternodes on the platform, as well as those hosted outside the platform to cast their votes in an easy way, on subjects that are of importance to the whole ecosystem.

We have a test vote session running for the rest of the year, so you can test the voting process before voting on real decisions, you can try it out if you’d like. Starting with the 18th of April till the 26th of April, 00:00, the voting session for the GIN Foundation funding proposal will be active.

A few notes on the process:

  • If you have nodes on the platform the vote is simple, just choose your option and you vote with all your eligible nodes at once
  • For self hosted nodes you will sign a special message in your wallet to express your vote

Go cast your vote for the GIN Foundation funding proposal here.

Coin updates

The latest coins added on the platform are:

Our Co-Founder and CLO Alex Stanescu, pitching at Paris Blockchain Week. Very positive feedback in general about what we are building. Go GEA! Go GIN!



GIN Platform

GIN provides cryptocurrency investors with an easy way of creating and deploying their own masternode(s) - regardless of their technical abilities |