This week in GIN — 22nd of March, 2019

GIN Platform
3 min readMar 22, 2019


“Time doth flit”. Have you noticed it’s almost April?

Soar like an eagle. (Photo by Jan Solà SB on Unsplash)

GIN Foundation is now registered!

GIN Foundation has been registered as of 18 March 2019 in Amsterdam, Netherlands!

What is the GIN Foundation and how does it benefit me?

Similar to other crypto foundations you may have heard of before (Ether, Dash, Litecoin, Tron, Zen etc.), the duty of the foundation is to advance the notoriety and presence of the coin. The mission of the foundation is to make GIN and GEA protocol globally trusted, recognized and used. The foundation will advance the use of the GIN and GEA protocol in various other blockchain projects. In this context protocol means the concept, the idea of how a digital service or software works, and code means the actual writing in a programming language that enables the protocol. The GINcoin code and protocol, as well as GEA code and protocol is and will remain public, and can be used by anyone wanting to incorporate the standards into new applications.

The objectives of the foundation are:

  • dissemination & education related to the coin and standard protocols adoption;
  • research on the protocol and future use of GINcoin and GEA protocols as to become known standards in the blockchain and distributed ledger technology infrastructure protocols;
  • partnerships for enhancing the GIN and GEA protocols and usage with other blockchain projects.

To quote the GIN Foundation’s CEO, Mr. Spenser Mooney: “In being the leader of the GIN Foundation it is my hope to best serve you and the coin in advancing GIN today, tomorrow and many years into the future.”

Follow GIN Foundation on LinkedIn

Freighter Map & GEA Network Visualiser

We have been working on the alpha freighter program over the past weeks and used the GIN masternodes that signed up for the alpha to fine tune communication and improve stability. As a result, we have created a real time visualisation of the GEA network:

The functionality is only exploratory at the moment, but it shows in real time what Freighters are online and what communication they exchange with the GIN Platform DAM. The location on the map is the location of the server hosting the GIN masternode, whether it’s hosted by the platform or not.

We are actively improving what’s going on behind the scenes as well as the visualisation itself, so we’d love some feedback!

Coin updates

The latest coins added on the platform are:

GIN in other media

Hear what the GIN Platform’s CLO and Co-Founder Alex Stanescu has to say about masternodes and the market in the latest CoinCast episode:

Thank you, Masternode Buzz and Masters of Nodes, for sharing our wonderful news with the world!



GIN Platform

GIN provides cryptocurrency investors with an easy way of creating and deploying their own masternode(s) - regardless of their technical abilities |