This week in GIN — 23rd of November, 2018

GIN Platform
2 min readNov 23, 2018
You can build anything with the right bricks. (Photo by Iker Urteaga on Unsplash)

GIN Platform API is here!

We’re glad to announce the availability of the GIN Platform API! You can see the docs here:

As part of our mission to offer infrastructure services for passive income generation through masternodes and other types of nodes that service blockchain networks, we think it’s important to enable others to build on top of our technology.

This is also the starting point of the GIN Platform Docs, which will be the central place for all technical info and developer oriented materials, with a lot more to come soon, like SDKs for particular programming languages and other good stuff.

What is an API?

Application Programming Interface — in short, it enables developers to provision and manage nodes on the GIN Platform programmatically.

What is an example of use for this API?

A good example would be to create a new user interface for a more particular use case, say only deploy nodes of a particular blockchain with more tailored instructions.

Photo by Artem Bali on Unsplash

Language update

The GIN Platform now supports multiple languages, just switch the language from the top right of the screen. Languages supported right now are English, Romanian, and Russian.

We have Spanish, Italian, and French in the works, while for the rest we welcome community contributions. Just get in touch with the team if you want to help translating!

Coin updates

The latest coins added on the platform are:

Coin overview

At the moment, we’re at 5,612 masternodes — for an updated number in real time, check the platform, right on the top left!

Currently, GIN Coin is estimated at 0.00036576 BTC.

GIN in other media

Our long time community member and friend mr. Spoonzus wrote an amazing article!



GIN Platform

GIN provides cryptocurrency investors with an easy way of creating and deploying their own masternode(s) - regardless of their technical abilities |