This week in GIN — 28th of September, 2018

GIN Platform
2 min readSep 28, 2018


When everything comes together. (Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash)

In the world of masternode deployment, GIN platform is an innovator. In the world of crypto-related privacy, Horizen (formerly ZenCash) is the pioneer.

Therefore, the GIN team proudly announces the addition of the one-of-a-kind altcoin: Horizen (formerly ZenCash)! We’re pretty excited for the first one-click ZEN setup — you won’t even have to start the node from your wallet! That’s what we call easy!

At the moment, only Secure Nodes are supported, with Super Nodes to follow.

For now, there are only 20 available Horizen masternode spots. As usual, we want to make sure everything runs smoothly and there are no surprises. The 20 free spots will be occupied on a “first come, first served” basis. Over the weekend, we’ll increase the node capacity, so you needn’t worry, there’s room for everyone’s ZEN masternodes. (So come to the GIN Platform, we have masternode cookies!)

Are you as excited as we are? Send us your thoughts on Twitter!

P.S. There’s a super helpful search tool now available on the platform. Too many coins, right? :)

Coin updates

The latest coin added on the platform is:

Coin overview

At the moment, we’re at 4,191 masternodes — for an updated number in real time, check the platform, right on the top left!

Currently, GIN Coin is estimated at 0.00042133 BTC.

GIN in other media

Have you seen the latest interview with GIN Platform LTD CEO — Emil Muthu? It’s here and it’s delightful:

We still have a lot to do. (Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash)



GIN Platform

GIN provides cryptocurrency investors with an easy way of creating and deploying their own masternode(s) - regardless of their technical abilities |