This week in GIN — 30th of November, 2018

GIN Platform
2 min readNov 30, 2018

Happy St. Andrew’s Day!

The best presents don’t have a price tag. (Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash)

Big news, people! Our two Alexes (our CFO & our CLO) attended Shift Money 2018 conference and had the opportunity to meet Robert Wiecko — COO at Dash Core Group Inc. Don’t believe us? See for yourself!

Looking good, guys!

Also, CLO Alex got the chance to speak on the Speed Pitch and Meeting Exchange panel at VanFUNDING!

In other news, GINcoin is now supported by the open source NBitcoin library, meaning .NET developers can build cross platform apps that use and interact with the GINcoin blockchain. It’s the first .NET native implementation of Lyra2Z, now easily enabling other coins using this algorithm to build support!

Thank you again, Kabak#7671, for your hard work!

And another thing: you can now get GIN updates directly on your Delta app!

Coin overview

At the moment, we’re so. close. to 6k masternodes. All eyes are on that number on the top left of the platform. o_o We’ll keep you posted.

Currently, GIN Coin is estimated at 0.00041156 BTC.

GIN in other media

Check out this cool how-to video made by Steve McGarry (HackCrypto)!

The Masters of Nodes have taken the time to write about GIN’s latest updates. Thanks, guys!

Pssst… Have you started the countdown till Christmas? (Photo by Toni Cuenca on Unsplash)



GIN Platform

GIN provides cryptocurrency investors with an easy way of creating and deploying their own masternode(s) - regardless of their technical abilities |