This week in GIN — 8th of June, 2018

GIN Platform
2 min readJun 8, 2018


The GIN team has developed a New Coin Admission procedure, that promises to smoothen the coin listing process. Here’s what it contains:

  • A public report on each of the coins that applied. It will be released two days prior to the voting day and it will serve as community guidance
  • The voting will take place twice a month and will last 24h. The first one starts today, 8th of June, and ends tomorrow, 9th of June
  • The coin review team members are Hindsightoshi, Tiamo, tipmebits and they will be financially compensated with 25% of the listing fee

The first coin to break the ice and be featured in the GIN coin report is Kalkulus. You can find the report and read all the necessary info on this coin here:

writing the report looked nothing like this | photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Coin updates

We’ll be waiting for your votes on the Kalkulus coin! Any masternode owner can go on the platform and cast their vote. You can see the results here:!/votes

Currently, we’re at 1,898 masternodes.

At the moment of writing, GIN coin is estimated at 0.00101397 BTC.

The GIN platform has now served to setup and host the following masternodes (and a few more for coins that are no longer supported by the platform, but kept for existing MN holders of said coins):

GIN in other media

We got to interview Fabrice Soulier! He was kind enough to answer a bunch of our questions and left us some of his own as well. You can have a stab at answering his questions by replying to our Twitter post. We will update the article with the best answers from the community!

We were added to WhatToMine.

The guys over at NullTX wrote a comprehensive overview of our project.

“What’s the best way to invest 5 billion dollars?” question on Quora got an in depth answer from System Engineer Marcos Ortiz, who included GIN in his cryptocurrencies investment plan:

Cliff on Crypto gave the GIN project a quick examination that you can find here.

Cheers, Cliff!



GIN Platform

GIN provides cryptocurrency investors with an easy way of creating and deploying their own masternode(s) - regardless of their technical abilities |