Stefan Wessels
1 min readAug 17, 2017


I know one of my frustrations with Linux was how difficult it was to get the basic things running. At least now you have some engines and services that install the packages and dependabilities for you, but if it’s anything bleeding end, the learning curve can be steep and frustration levels high — now at least there are lots of forums and answer repositories. I remember the dread of driving to a mine in the outskirts of South Africa with only a few ‘stiffies’ (that’s what only South Africans and Isrealis seem to call the last generation of ‘1.44 mb floppies’) to get a Slackware installation up and running, it WAS the internet connection, so you didn’t get access to the information until after you fixed the problem!



Stefan Wessels

i'm not a german soccer player, I was born and raised in south africa. i design & build mobile things.