Beyond Survival: Is Ethical Conduct a Privilege?

Indra Kiran Teja
3 min readJul 13, 2024


In the sprawling marketplace of human existence, where survival is the ruthless currency, ethical principles are often relegated to the dusty corners, deemed an extravagant luxury reserved for the privileged few. Here, amidst the cacophony of daily struggle, morality transforms into a shimmering mirage, beautiful yet tragically out of reach for the vast majority burdened by the relentless pursuit of basic necessities.

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The Tyranny of Necessity: Survival as the Overlord

Imagine a colossal stage, one where survival reigns supreme as the domineering director. The script, meticulously crafted by circumstance, dictates a relentless pursuit of necessities — food, shelter, healthcare, and the ever-present need to secure these for our dependents. Under these harsh spotlights, ethical considerations morph into unwelcome understudies, threatening to disrupt the production with their inconvenient demands. In this unforgiving environment, even the slightest hesitation to compromise can mean the curtains closing on hope itself.

For the working class, the cast forced to perform this daily survival play, the script offers no room for improvisation. Each line is etched in stone, leaving scant opportunity to weave in the delicate threads of moral responsibility. Every decision carries the weight of consequence, the potential to tip the scales of well-being into an abyss of precariousness.

The Balcony Seats of Privilege: Where Ethics Can Be a Leisurely Pursuit

Meanwhile, perched high above the chaotic stage in their gilded balconies, resides the privileged class. Untouched by the harsh realities of daily struggle, their wealth grants them the luxury of dissecting ethical dilemmas at a leisurely pace. They can champion fair wages and sustainable practices from a distance, their voices echoing down onto the stage, seemingly unaware that their pronouncements fall on ears desperate for a roof over their heads, not a lecture on ethical sourcing.

The chasm between these two worlds is vast. For the privileged, ethics are a philosophical debate, an intellectual jousting match played with no risk of losing their basic needs. For the working class, it’s a constant tug-of-war between survival and morality, a battle where every concession feels like a betrayal of some unseen ideal.

Whispered Secrets and Rebellious Threads: The Seeds of Change

However, this narrative, though bleak, is not without hope. While ethical riches may resemble an exclusive club with a hefty membership fee, it doesn’t mean they’re entirely out of reach for the masses. We, the actors on this stage of existence, can choose to stitch threads of ethical conduct into the fabric of our lives, even if it’s just a single thread at a time. A kind word to a colleague, a refusal to exploit a loophole at the cost of another’s well-being, these are acts of quiet rebellion against the tyranny of expediency. They may not bring down the curtain on the survival play, but they offer a spark of defiance, a reminder that morality, despite its perceived cost, remains a vital part of our humanity.

Perhaps one day, the spotlight will finally shift, illuminating not just the struggle for survival, but also the inherent value of ethical conduct. Until then, we continue our fight — not for grand pronouncements, but for the quiet dignity of weaving threads of morality into the tapestry of a life that, though far from opulent, possesses the priceless value of integrity and compassion.

