Ginga Fleets
2 min readOct 7, 2019


Transport owner always seeks more transportation intelligence on Vehicle maintenance, especially when it comes to seeing their businesses, Ginga fleets measuring what they’ve to do on “Maintenance” and how well they’ve done it. Historically, getting such maintenances has meant the business growth on timely.

Ginga fleets are the ideal software for the transport company as it provides all of your Vehicle information with just a few mouse clicks in a Web-based application. To understand the Vehicle History on Vehicle Maintenance, Fuel & Tyre efficiency and easy-to-collect periodic reports on Store, Inventory Workshop on your own, as well as on-road maintenance, works.

Ginga fleets Performance Dashboard allows you to access and analyze your rear-view information in a completely customizable and see the changes you need to make to improve your maintenance operations.

Performance Dashboard Can Help You

1. Measure Your Vehicle Performance — Finding your vehicle performance against your company’s missions, goals and priorities immediately help maximize your performance.

2. Customize Your Data — Having your own personalized dashboard on Maintenance & Workshop Management allows you to capture important information at a glance.

3. Increase Productivity — When you share information throughout your operation, it allows for greater workflows.

4. Compare and Rate Regions — Knowing where your vehicle components and highest usability levels on your running vehicles.

5. Track Trends — Identify the improved or declined significantly over the past? Ginga fleets Maintenance schedule performance report will tell you.

6. Solve Problems Quickly — Having fast and easy access to crucial vehicle maintenance information helps you turn things around with lightning speed on your vehicle.

GINGA FLEETS — Transportation Management System

Cloud TMS-ERP delivers best‐in‐class Web-Based transport management software capability in software as a service (SaaS) model utilizing enterprise cloud technology with a robust, n-tier, Internet-based architecture.

