*2024 Update!*: I’m now publishing new essays, writing prompts, and updated lists of poetry publishing opportunities on my Substack, Effing the Ineffable. Subscribe for free!

Hello! I’m a writer and poet on a journey to DIY my MFA in poetry and laugh as much as possible along the way. I live on the Colorado-New Mexico border with my husband and our fur babies, Olive, Winnie, and Bug. My poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in PRISM International, Phoebe, Grist, Cleaver, Heavy Feather Review, Ghost City Review, Sky Island Journal, and elsewhere. I’m fueled by coffee, nature, and reality TV. I’m currently working on my first poetry manuscript.


My Substack, Effing the Ineffable, explores all things poetry from the perspective of a writer trying to DIY her MFA. I’m a naturally curious person who learns best discursively. How do you write a cento? How do you order a poetry manuscript? How do you teach a good workshop? How do you give good feedback? How do you build community as a writer outside of academia? I’ll be exploring all of this and more. From deep dives into different forms & genres to revision advice, prompts, and publishing opportunities. Most importantly, Effing the Ineffable is a love letter to poetry, in its endless well of opportunities to connect us to each other, to help us eff the most ineffable facets of our lives.

Medium member since June 2024
Ginger Ayla

Ginger Ayla

Writer, poet, and aspiring teaching artist living on the Colorado/New Mexico border. Author of Effing the Ineffable on Substack: gingerayla.substack.com.