Change Permission For Specific AWS S3 Folder Content in Rails

George Chkhvirkia
1 min readFeb 4, 2019


In certain cases we might need to change access level for content of specific folder in our S3 Bucket, and leave other folders as they are. It can be done with a few easy steps:

Step 1

Install AWS SDK for Rails:

gem 'aws-sdk-rails'

Step 2

Set AWS SDK configurations based on our credentials:

access_key_id: ENV['key'], # e.g. 'RKIZPLO74257RMAGOEIZ'
secret_access_key: ENV['secret'], # e.g. 'q/qrzg+kt1kRB'
region: ENV['region'] # e.g. 'ca-central-1'

Step 3

Initialize variables for needed folder, bucket and desirable access level:

# Folder you want to change content permissions for
aws_folder = 'Uploads'
# S3 Bucket name
aws_bucket = 'some-production-ca'
# Access level, can be 'public-read', 'private', etc.
acl = 'public-read'

Step 4

Initialize new S3 Client and get the content of specified bucket:

# Init S3 Client
s3_client =
# Get contents of aws_bucket
bucket_contents = s3_client.list_objects(bucket: aws_bucket).contents

Get list of names of objects(files) that are located in specified bucket’s folder:

files ={ |f| "#{f.key}" if f.key.include?(aws_folder) }.compact

Step 5 (final)

Now the part that actually changes access level. Lets loop through list of file names we’ve got and call put_object_acl method:

files.each do |obj_key|
key: obj_key, # object(file) name
bucket: aws_bucket, # 'some-production-ca'
acl: acl # 'public-read'


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