Gideon Oketunji
2 min readSep 5, 2023

Title: “Usyk vs. Dubois: Below the Belt Rules and Needed Changes in Boxing”

In the world of boxing, rules and regulations are as crucial as the punches thrown in the ring. One topic that has come into focus recently, especially after the Usyk vs. Dubois fight, is the ‘below the belt’ rule. This rule governs where boxers can legally land their punches, ensuring a fair and safe contest. Let’s delve into this rule, its significance, and what changes can be applied to boxing concerning it.

The Below the Belt Rule:

The below the belt rule is a fundamental regulation in boxing designed to protect fighters from illegal blows that can cause severe injury or harm. In essence, this rule states that punches must land above the opponent’s beltline. The beltline is typically defined as the area just above the navel.

In the Usyk vs. Dubois fight, as in many other bouts, referees play a critical role in enforcing this rule. They monitor the action closely, warning or penalizing fighters who repeatedly violate it. Such warnings can result in point deductions or, in extreme cases, disqualification.

Challenges and Controversies:

While the below the belt rule is crucial for boxer safety, it’s not without its challenges and controversies. One of the main issues is the ambiguity surrounding what constitutes ‘below the belt.’ The human body’s anatomy varies, and fighters have different waistlines, making it challenging for referees to determine the exact location.

Potential Changes in Boxing:

1. Uniform Definitions: To address ambiguity, boxing organizations should establish clear, uniform definitions of the ‘below the belt’ region. This could involve implementing specific anatomical landmarks or measurements to identify the legal target area.

2. Technology and Training: Advancements in technology, such as sensors and cameras, could assist referees in real-time monitoring of punch placement. Additionally, referees should undergo thorough training to enhance their judgment and consistency in enforcing the rule.

3. Stricter Penalties: To discourage intentional violations, boxing organizations might consider increasing penalties for fighters who repeatedly hit below the belt. Harsher consequences, such as automatic point deductions, could serve as a deterrent.

4. Review and Feedback: Boxing governing bodies should regularly review and adjust the rules in response to emerging trends and safety concerns. They should also seek feedback from fighters, trainers, and officials to ensure the rules remain relevant and effective.

In conclusion, the Usyk vs. Dubois fight and the below the belt rule highlight the importance of maintaining fair and safe competition in boxing. To address the challenges and controversies surrounding this rule, it’s essential for the boxing community to come together, implement clearer definitions, utilize technology, and consider stricter penalties when necessary. By doing so, the sport can continue to evolve while safeguarding the well-being of its athletes.

Gideon Oketunji

Master Student, trying to leanr and show off literature skills. Plus acting like I don't really like Literature. (It's a Love-Hate relationshp)