v.6 | VAB, event tickets, & fancy mops | weeknotes

(almost) Every Friday I use a random selection of prompts to write about working as a Customer Success Manager from Stockholm

Giorgia Matheson
3 min readFeb 10, 2023
Photo by Mike Kienle on Unsplash


  • I’ve been involved in a few of interesting projects. This on the one hand, requires intentional time management and prioritisation which hasn’t been a cup of tea considering I’ve had to take time off to take care of my sick child (=VAB in Sweden). On the other, I must admit it’s energised me, put a pleasant break into the routine.
  • I’m ready to bring UPFRONT in my organisation. This follows a long hiatus, but this time I am sided but stellar colleagues Emma and Hanna. If you are reading this, I see you! Your passion and contributions are greatly appreciated!
  • Feedback & recognition. Two ‘year in review’ customer meetings went incredibly well, with customers providing great positive feedback when asked about their level of satisfaction looking back to a year of collaborative work. Their comments were later shared internally wide and loud, who doesn’t like a good old shoutout from time to time?
  • January — the Monday of the Year — is done and gone.
  • I got a ticket to the Women in Tech Sweden yearly event!
By the end of the ticket release day, it was already fully booked.

Could’ve done without

  • My daughter and myself being sick on-and-off almost all of January.
  • One of the consequences of the above is having a backlog of work to catch up with. Now that things have (hopefully) gone back to normal… at least for a short while (fingerscrossedknockonwoodandallthatjazz), I’m almost there.
  • Ongoing mass layoffs, especially in the tech industry. Especially after leanring that 1) layoffs quite literally kull people, 2) that they don’t improve companies’ performance, and 3) their are the result of copycat behavious — all according to a Stanford professor of Organisational Behaviour who flat out says that “Layoffs are basically a bad decision.”

Could there be a tech recession? Yes. Was there a bubble in valuations? Absolutely. Did Meta overhire? Probably. But is that why they are laying people off? Of course not. Meta has plenty of money. These companies are all making money. They are doing it because other companies are doing it. — Prof. Pfeffer

In other news…

I’m pretty sure some companies don’t even know what “asynchronous work” means… 👀

Thanks for reading, happy weekend! 🐠




Giorgia Matheson

I work in Customer Success from Stockholm (Sweden), and write about it with a pinch of humour and a great deal of candour.