The rocket magic of Elon Musk

or how private Space-x will replace USA need of Russian engines

5 min readMay 17, 2014

Any discussion of the Russian rocketry industry can be converted into a holy-war if you write a word of four letters: “Musk”. Immediately there are his supporters,who remember that flyight from Baikonur rocket developed in the 60s and the company Space-X.

Musk appeared only 12 years ago, and is already making a reusable rocket. In response, you will hear about the “cult of fans Musk” and eccentric charlatan who decided to challenge the formula of Tsiolkovsky.

In any case, indifferent to quickly leave the discussion and caring continue the fight for their ideals. What kind of man is Elon Musk and why his appearance forced Roskosmos talk about “coming on the heels of competitors,” and his dreams inspire Martian space enthusiasts on both sides Ocean?

Elon Musk — is a former co-owner of the payment system PayPal. Sold his share for $ 165 million dollars in 2002, he remained with the money, but idle. Then he wondered where they would spend unbanal, and decided to send terrestrial plants in a hydroponic pot on Mars. According to his idea, the picture of green shoots on the Red Planet will inspire humanity to the new space achievements.

Musk visited Russia and is eyeing the conversion rocket “Dnepr”. Their cost — about $ 20 million dollars allowed him to implement his plan. But instead of buying, Musk began to wonder why the old Russian missiles are ten times cheaper than new American. Of thought comes the idea to produce its own missiles and make them even cheaper than Russian.

His decision, which is laid down on the desire of the American state monopoly dilute missile Boeing and Lockheed Martin, which in 2006 merged into United Launch Alliance (ULA) and actually hoisted NASA and the Pentagon missile with Russian engines of the first stage Atlas V.

Determination of Musk actively fed state orders of DARPA, and later NASA.

Musk developed missiles on his own, and starts accepting money from the state. For four years, the company has created a SpaceX Falcon 1 rocket light, and after four years successfully launched the Falcon 9 — main rocket, comparable in performance to the Russian “Soyuz-2.” By this time the NASA Space Shuttle program closes and remains without a manned spacecraft.

To eliminate the backlog of Russia and China, the U.S. announces a competition for the creation of cargo and manned spacecraft. SpaceX is taken to solve both problems, and in 2012 to the ISS successfully launched the first truck Dragon. Following this success, Musk says his next ambitious goal: a reusable rocket, extra heavy rocket and the colony on Mars.

Supporters of Musk start counting meters, which is “jumps of grasshopper” — 2 — 5 — 9 — 40 — 80 — 250 — 325 — 744 … Critics reminded that Earth orbit is slightly higher, and the music will not give the desired gain traction for a successful solution of Tsiolkovsky formula .

Specialists are more constrained. Numerous missile experts talk about the folly Musk who has forgotten about the parachute. And even the real experts like Andrew Ioannina, principal analyst NP “GLONASS” believe that Grasshopper need to practice landing on Mars, ie do not believe in a reusable rocket.

Meanwhile, Space-X continues to develop engines and modernizes itself Falcon 9 fairing experiences suitable for commercial launches and future super-heavy rocket and satellite launches into geostationary orbit,

In 2013, the Grasshopper retires, and its place is taken by more advanced model Falcon 9R.

R is reusable. This is a real rocket stage with legs analogues which must be sent in the future to a height of about 100 km and return unharmed.

At the same time, Space-X continues launches under contract with NASA, and commercial satellite launches. They are in no way connected with the creation of a reusable rocket. But Space-X manages to combine the fulfillment of contracts and refinement of the technologies of the future. In September 2013 he launch a rocket, the first stage for the first time should try to maneuver after the basic problem. During the start-up stage was to take a vertical position that is necessary for future soft landing.

Tests have failed, despite the fact that the main task — orbit insertion Canadian satellite Cassiopeia, solved successfully. But on the way back stage rocket began to rotate in the longitudinal axis, the fuel in the tanks has risen up by the centrifugal force and the engines caught fire.

Despite the setback, Musk reported: “Now we know what to do.” And now, April 18, 2014, after numerous transfers, the launch of the first real rocket with legs. Withdrawal of Dragon spacecraft passed flawlessly, but the fun started later. The first stage of the rocket, after the separation, began to maneuver. First, it was necessary to achieve the first objective — make rocket vertical.

This was achieved by the second stage of testing — disclosure of supporting “feet.” Rocket sat / fell into the Atlantic Ocean, and, unfortunately, there was a storm. Despite the wind and the waves first step could enter the water at low speeds and almost perfectly upright. Ie purpose of the test were fully achieved, but the ships could not find a rocket in a stormy sea

So why Musk causes such heated debate in Russia? Even now, with his disposable rockets, payload launch costs are comparable to Russian prices. And Russia only because of prices and reliability of carrier holds leadership position in the global market launches.

While Space-X has paid not only production, but also the development of missiles. Construction of a Russian models, for the most part, was paid from budget of USSR.

Some people believe that the current price of Musk — a conscious dumping in the hope of future orders and ousting competitors from the market. Even so, he has already shown its superiority over modern Russian rocket scientists, if we compare the making of “Angara” and Falcon.

Musk — not a superhero. 4-5 years on the rocket — it’s real. The same “Proton” was created over 3 years. But it seems to me, between the creators of “Proton” and Musk there are much more common than the creators of “Proton” and “Angara”.

Musk is obsessed with Space, known for its phrase that he wants to end his life on Mars, and not from hitting the surface. Similarly obsessed by space are Korolev and Chelomei. Timing with which they solved problems, staggering, in comparison with the current Russian space programs.

Today the goal of Russian space enterprises — state orders. And the longer it will last — better it is. Purpose of Musk — Mars and state order.

Make it reusable rocket or not — it’s not so important. The whole point in his quest up in the development and continuous improvement of technology. This inspires his supporters around the world. Though many hope and truly believe in the miracle, in its Falcon 9 Reusable.

If it does indeed set, it would bring down prices for injection into low Earth orbit, leaving behind even cheap “Dnepr” and open a new phase in space exploration.

