Why Junior Data Analysts Should Learn SQL

George Sikos
4 min readDec 22, 2022


SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used to communicate with databases and is a critical skill for data analysts because it allows them to extract, manipulate, and analyze data stored in databases.

There are several reasons why learning SQL can be beneficial for data analysts:

Photo by James Harrison on Unsplash
  1. SQL is a standard language for interacting with databases. This means that if you want to work with data stored in a database, you need to know SQL.
  2. SQL is widely used in the industry, so learning it can make you more marketable as a data analyst.
  3. SQL can be used to extract specific data from a database. For example, you can use SQL to select only the data that meets certain criteria, such as all customers who made a purchase in the last month.
  4. SQL can be used to sort data. This can be useful for data analysts who need to organize data in a specific order, such as alphabetically by last name.
  5. SQL can be used to combine data from multiple tables. This is useful for data analysts who need to combine data from different sources or perform analyses that require data from multiple tables.
  6. SQL can be used to clean and transform data. For example, you can use SQL to remove duplicates, fill in missing values, or change the data type of a column.
  7. SQL can be used to perform a wide variety of tasks related to data analysis. This can include tasks such as calculating summary statistics, creating pivot tables, and generating graphs and charts.
  8. SQL is a powerful tool for data analysts because it allows them to work efficiently with large amounts of data. With SQL, you can perform complex analyses quickly and easily, without having to manually sort through and manipulate data.
  9. Learning SQL can also help data analysts communicate more effectively with technical team members, such as database administrators or software developers.
  10. In addition to the specific skills that SQL provides, learning SQL can also help data analysts develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Working with data and using SQL requires careful planning and attention to detail, and these skills are valuable in many other areas as well.

Here is a list of five resources that you can use to learn SQL. I will not provide links and i will not earn any affiliate commission, just google the below resources!

  1. Online tutorials and courses: There are many online tutorials and courses that can help you learn SQL. Some popular options include Codecademy, Khan Academy, and Coursera. These resources often include interactive exercises and quizzes to help you practice your skills.
  2. Books: There are many books available on SQL, ranging from beginner to advanced levels. Some popular options include “SQL for Dummies” by Allen G. Taylor and “SQL in 10 Minutes” by Ben Forta. But there are so many other books that you will probably like, just visit an online book store to explore all the resources available.
  3. Practice websites: Websites like SQLZoo and W3Schools allow you to practice writing SQL queries in a simulated environment. These websites can be a useful way to get hands-on experience with SQL. W3Schools is my personal favorite!
  4. YouTube: There are many YouTube channels that offer tutorials and lessons on SQL. I am sure you will find interesting ones but these YouTube channels are not my cup of tea actually. I prefer reading, practicing and writing SQL the old fashioned-way. But that’s just me.
  5. In-person classes: If you prefer a more structured learning environment, you can consider taking an in-person class or workshop on SQL. Many community colleges and technical schools offer courses on SQL, or you can look for workshops or bootcamps in your area. I am planning on joining an SQL course in January 2023 and am very interested in what it has to offer. I will return to share my experience with the course once I have completed it.

Overall, the best resource for learning SQL will depend on your learning style and needs. It may be helpful to try out a few different resources to find the one that works best for you.

So what do you do after you find your learning style?

The best piece of advice i can offer to you is practice writing queries: As with any programming language, this is the best way to learn. Start by working through exercises and tutorials on your chosen learning resource, and try to apply what you’ve learned to real-world data sets.

Work with different data types: SQL can be used with a variety of data types, including text, numbers, and dates. Make sure to practice working with different data types to become comfortable with the syntax and functions used to manipulate them.

Explore advanced concepts: As you become more comfortable with SQL, you can start to explore more advanced concepts such as subqueries, joins, and views. These concepts will allow you to perform more complex analyses and manipulate data in more sophisticated ways.

Overall, as in all things in life, the key to learning SQL is to start by learning the basics and then gradually building up your skills as you practice and explore more advanced concepts. As you progress, be sure to seek out additional resources and practice writing queries as much as possible to continue improving your skills.



George Sikos

A parent. An electronic music listener. A reader. A data nerd.