Welcome Siren Platform!

Giovanni Tummarello
2 min readAug 23, 2017


Announcing the Siren Platform (previously Kibi EE) GA release

Today we’re super happy to announce that Kibi 5.x is out of beta! With the general availability release today we are changing the distribution name — Siren Platform is the new name of our package bundling Kibi (data intelligence frontend, compatible with Kibana plugins) and our new relational backend Vanguard. Read about Vanguard here.

Product technology stack

Siren Technology Stack

A Siren Platform deployment Layer Description Who’s Responsible Configurations and Plugins This is the configuration required for your data and use cases. It includes data models, dashboards, widgets, entity visualizations templates, graph transformations, extra plugins and more. You or your SI (with Siren support), or Siren Kibi (and Sentinl) Kibi is the analysis front end. Sentinl is the open source Siren application for alerting and scheduled reporting of events. Siren Vanguard Nodes These are the backend node(s) that power Kibi. We define a Vanguard node as an Elasticsearch node in which the Vanguard and Searchguard technologies are installed. Existing Elasticsearch clusters can be upgraded to be Vanguard nodes by installing the required plugins. Siren Big Data Layer This is your enterprise big data infrastructure. Kibi currently requires data to be loaded inside an Elasticsearch/Vanguard cluster, but from Q4 it will be also capable of operating directly on data in JDBC backends. You or Siren (hosted, managed or professional services)

Features and licencing

All the functionality which was previously only available in the Kibi enterprise edition is now merged into the Siren Platform. Some of these such as the multiwidget and the scientific visualizations, are available in all licenses (including our free production license), while others such as the graph browser are available only with a commercial licence.

License types

Siren Platform Licenses Name Cost Production Support Max Users Max Nodes Graph Browser 30 Days trial Free No Forum, best effort Unlimited Unlimited Yes Jumpstart Trial, 3–6 months Contact us No Priority Unlimited Unlimited Yes Free Production Free Yes Forum, best effort 1 1 No Full Production Contact us Yes Priority, with 24/7 option According to licence According to licence Yes Vanguard Only Contact us Yes Priority, with 24/7 option Unlimited According to licence N/A

Existing Kibi EE customers are not affected, as Kibi EE licences will work with the new Siren Platform distribution.

Please visit our Customer Portal to download the latest versions of our software and to request a licence.

And watch this space — we will have several cool announcements in the coming weeks and months.

Originally published at SIREN.

