In Loving Memory of Etika

And His Battle with an Invisible Illness

Giovanni S.
2 min readJun 27, 2019
@etika Picture

You had a heart that glowed brightly,
more vibrant than I thought possible,
one that radiated utter kindness and life.

You had the smile of a thousand suns,
one that you always graciously shared
with everybody that surrounded you.

You had a laugh so genuine and pure,
one that no matter how miserable we felt,
cheered us up — even when all else failed.

Your sense of humour was unlike any other,
it had the capacity to make anyone crack up,
regardless of circumstances or predispositions.

You were magnetic, charming, affable,
goofy, witty — you were unabashedly you,
and that, my friend, we will memorialize.

Your brilliance could not be measured,
you brought us such palpably lasting joy
and we will eternally be grateful for you..

The thought of you walking alone that day,
voided of hope will forever be like a splinter
stinging me in the chest when I breathe.

I wish I could have helped you.
You did not deserve this. Nobody does.

Rest easy, Desmond.




Giovanni S.

Colorful bon vivant, poet, blogger, photographer, wine connoisseur, and seeker of truth.