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Giovanny Strosin
2 min readJan 18, 2020


The Sun’s convection zone stretches out from 0.7 sun oriented radii (500,000 km) to approach the surface. In this layer, the sunlight based plasma isn’t sufficiently thick or hot enough to move the warmth vitality of the inside outward by means of radiation. Rather, the thickness of the plasma is sufficiently low to enable convective flows to create and move the Sun’s vitality outward towards its surface.

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Material warmed at the tachocline gets heat and extends, in this way lessening its thickness and enabling it to rise. Accordingly, a precise movement of the mass forms into warm cells that convey most of the warmth outward to the Sun’s photosphere above. When the material diffusively and radiatively cools just underneath the photospheric surface, its thickness increments, and it sinks to the base of the convection zone, where it again gets heat from the highest point of the radiative zone and the convective cycle proceeds. At the photosphere, the temperature has dropped to 5,700 K and the thickness to just 0.2 g/m3 (around 1/6,000 the thickness of air adrift level).

The warm segments of the convection zone structure an engraving on the outside of the Sun giving it a granular appearance called the sunlight based granulation at the littlest scale and supergranulation at bigger scales. Violent convection in this external piece of the sun oriented inside continues “little scale” dynamo activity over the close surface volume of the Sun. The Sun’s warm sections are Bénard cells and take the state of hexagonal crystals.

