How to Make CMOs Choose your Agency among the Others

Stand out from the crowd with these simple tips

Giovanna Panebianco
The Startup


Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

If you work in a marketing and communication agency, you already know that the CMOs of your possible client companies are the first interlocutors you have to persuade if you want to be chosen among competing agencies.

But what are the parameters to take into consideration when building up an offer a CMO cannot refuse?

Even if there are no absolute answers, the tips below will help you create a balanced mix of the marketing offers’ features which are most appreciated by CMOs.


Let’s not pretend. Before even taking a look at the content and strategies you propose, the marketing manager will go straight to the quote you sent him to see how much you will cost him.

Always propose prices in line with the market and with the quality of the work you offer, but don’t forget that your final cost should hopefully be lower than the one he would have to face if he decided to develop his campaigns with the in-house team.

Total understanding of the brand identity

Design, tone of voice, means used, message conveyed by the proposed campaigns cannot but perfectly adhere to the brand…



Giovanna Panebianco
The Startup

Digital Marketer | Communication specialist | Writer of short stories and poetry | Beloved topics: writing, tech, marketing