How to host a Counter Strike 1.6 server on AWS in less than 10 minutes!

girish prabhu
2 min readMar 29, 2020
  1. Create a free-tier AWS account
  2. Create a new security group

2.a Inbound rules

2.b. Outbound rules

4. Launch a new Ubuntu 18.04 Instance with ‘t2 micro’ instance type, 30 GB Storage, attach previously created service Group, Create a new keyPair or use an existing for future ssh.

5. Login using ssh into Ubuntu instance and execute the following commands

# Install pre-requisitessudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib
tar xvfz steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
# Install steam server
mkdir SteamCMD
cd SteamCMD
tar xvfz steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
Steam>login anonymous
Steam>force_install_dir ./27020/
Steam>app_set_config 90 mod cstrike
Steam>app_update 90 validate #This might fail. repeat until you see “Success! App ‘90’ fully installed.”
Steam>app_update 90 -beta beta validate # Repeat until “Success! App ‘90’ fully installed.”
# Start the server
cd 27020/
./hlds_run -console -game cstrike +port 27020 +map de_dust2 +maxplayers 32 -pingboost 1
#This might fail the first time with “FATAL ERROR (shutting down): #Unable to initialize Steam.”
#It worked second time for me. It should end with
#”Connection to Steam servers successful.
#VAC secure mode is activated.

And voila! There you have it!

Enjoy reliving the good old days of pure Counter Strike bliss! The hostel night outs and weekend sessions!

Stay home, Stay Safe.

What are you waiting for? GO GO GO :)


