Getting it done your way — 5 ways to Inspire your team

Jinesha Gandhi
6 min readApr 7, 2017


Gone are those days when business owners, senior managers sat in an office, where everyone in the office feared them.

You are only as good as your team. It is your job as a leader to set the bar, inspire, and motivate your team to reach greatness.

Having a personal agenda will not benefit anyone and things will start going downhill from there.

When you start thinking that everyone is replaceable, that same moment you loose sight of the fact that your dealing with people not machines.

I used to call my team members resources at some point, but with time I learnt that resources are chairs, tables & etc. not your team members.

After all People cannot be managed they can only be lead!

Yes, read it once more…I have personally experienced working with a manager and a leader. You dont need me to tell you the latter was more fun to work with. I was at my best because my senior lead me.

Im not saying that leaders are not tough, yes they are but they are tough on results not the person. Many people have personal vendettas against their team mates, and its a leaders job to ensure that everyone looks beyond it and works towards a common goal.

My Top 5 Tips on how to Inspire your team:

1. Be Respectful -

We might think we are with our team mates by not raising our voice. It doesn’t end there, its just the beginning. I have been a victim of being bashed and disrespected in front of my peers. When that happens your team will loose the zeal to perform and move on to another manager.

People don’t leave companies they leave managers!

If you have an issue or feedback to give call them personally and explain to them. Even if you raise your voice initially towards the end of the discussion tone it down. They need to understand your pain point.

Fancy internal awards and recognition is great, and some employees feed off that, but your team will perform much better when they know that they have your respect. Show respect for their hard work and dedication — it will create a much more productive team.

Unfortunately, too many people want recognition because they forgot the significant grater value of respect. Re-train your employees about the importance of respect and lead them in how to earn it. When they see the greater impact respect delivers, they will be inspired by your example.

2. Don’t Impose Fear -

Its easy to get bugged when your team mate messes up because you will need to step in and clear it. Its oh k mistakes happen! Let him know the gravity of the mistake and how it has effected the company/project and the consequences. Your team mate should feel they are being hold accountable tho your are taking the fall for it.

Instilling fear, creates a negative environment and people will only respect your seat not you. Great leaders coach and teach their team — they are right there with them — not on the sidelines screaming and instilling fear.

I know people who have been with companies that instilled fear on the floor by creating a heavy scary accountable system. It eventually back fired and good employees will leave sooner than later.

Instilling fear on the floor is not that hard…but I can guarantee you that you will not get your teams best out on the floor. I have personally been there.

Leaders should clarify expectations on what they expect from their team mates well in advance. Dont wait for the end moment to tell your team mate about their fall backs. Its always better to be upfront when required not only during appraisals.

3. Be accessible -

As a leader you will need to learn how to empathize with your team mates. After all we are dealing with people who have emotions. There will be a time when your team mates will want to be heard. If you close the doors to hearing them without judgment, they will feel lost and will give up working with you.

You cant impose your knowledge & experience on them, but instead you can listen to them and show them the way.

Part of being a leader involves being there for your team. If they have a question or need your advice, make sure that you make it easy for them to access you. With mobile email and cell phones there is no reason your team shouldn’t be able to get in touch with you when they need to.

I know some of my colleagues, who have given up working with a company just because their manager was not approachable. Not everyone is born with all the knowledge in the world, everyone is learning. Not every person on your team is going to have the same personality. You need to be flexible in how you lead each individual. Some will require a little more hand holding than others while some will excel when they are given more independence. Patience is the Key.

Don’t get me wrong I am not saying that you should accommodate them all the time. You can explain three times, four times but if you feel that the employee is not showing any improvement in their work be polite to them and let them go.

Many people give up easily or they just dont have the time or see it important to empower your team mate. I understand we all are busy with work but after all you need your team to deliver especially when you have people working under you.

4. Push their Limits-

You want to achieve excellence and not mediocrity, right?

If you don’t push your team to give in their best you will have a stagnant performance to deal with.

Sure, the work will get done, but don’t expect to experience excitement and growth without encouraging them to operate out of their traditional comfort.

Some Managers don’t let their team make decisions without their approval. This wont indulge in a productive environment and wont give them scope to grow. Good Managers do not give permissions to their teams on each and every task. They lead by knowing when to gently correct them along the way.

Motivate your team by letting them know the objective and goal, let them impress you with their creativity on achieving the common goal. Give them room on how to get work done.

5. Positive Attitude-

If you are in a bad mood, your team will automatically incur the same mood. As a leader you set the tone for the entire operation. Bringing a postive attitude can be crucial for your team’s success.

In one of my projects, I felt my team was very confused and frustrated on the deliverable’s we had to submit. With time I realized the only way to solve their frustration was for me to clear my confusion and control my mood swing. The moment I started doing that, I automatically brought clarity among st my team members.

Your team will eventually follow you. Well that’s what you need to hope for! If they cannot be lead to follow you, there will be a point where they will give up and the project will be nowhere.

Your team has to buy into your capabilities as a team leader, decision maker and that only comes with time and experience.

I hope my blog has produced some insights on how to be an effective leader by inspiring your team.

Please let me know in the comments below what you guys think!

