Planning To Visit Devalia Safari Park — Must Visit Kamleshwar Dam

3 min readJan 31, 2022


An interpretation zone has been established at Devalia to prevent human intrusion in Gir National Park’s central region and to help tourists better comprehend the importance of Gir and its diverse wildlife. It was a 412-hectare chain-link-fenced area that represented Gir in a nutshell, with all habitat types and key fauna present in the main sanctuary area.

For wildlife fans, this gated area is a visual delight. The core concept behind this facility is to provide a quick opportunity to watch lions and other animal species in their natural habitat, reducing pressure on the main sanctuary area. Sambars, Chinkaras, Wild Boars, Blue Bulls, and Spotted Deer make up a strong prey basis in this interpretive zone.

Kamleshwar Dam: A Beautiful Spot for Amazing Scenes

The Kamleshwar Dam, also called the Hiran-I Dam, is a rock-fill embankment reservoir on the Hiran River in Visavadar, Gujarat, India. The Gir Forest National Park is home to the dam. It is 60 kilometres from the city of Junagadh.

This dam was constructed over one of the seven rivers that flow through Gir Sanctuary. Shinoda, Raval, Godavari, Macchundri, Hiran, Datardi, and Saraswati are among these rivers. Kamleshwar.

The dam has eased the town’s water and irrigation problems, and is hence known as the Sasan Gir’s lifeline; it is also a breeding ground for marsh crocodiles. The Dam also serves as a stopover site for a variety of bird species. It is a rock fill embankment dam that was erected in 1959 primarily for irrigation purposes.

The best time to visit Gir National Park or the Dam is winter since you can enjoy the lovely weather and see migratory birds. The dam is a great site for your camera lenses because it has outstanding scenic splendour. The Kamleshwar Dam is open to the public during the day.

There are many places near this Reservoir where you can spend time and enjoy. Some of them are Damodar Kund, Baba Pyare caves, Uparkot fort, and Buddhist caves of Khapra Kodiya, Gir Somnath temple, Ashoka Rock Edit, and many more. Each place possesses a hidden story and you’ll learn a lot of things about Indian culture and history. This is sure that you will not regret and will definitely enjoy your holidays.

Book Your Trip In Advance Now

Most of the time people miss the chance to visit this amazing place. This happens when you do not get tickets in advance. Thus, to avoid such a situation, visit our website for Devalia Jeep Safari Booking in advance.




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