What is Laziness? 15 Actual Causes of Laziness-Know Why am I LAZY?

Diksha mittal
7 min readSep 28, 2019


Want to know what is laziness and what can be the reasons or causes of laziness? I’ll try to solve all your doubts and queries in this post so read this article till the last. I really hope you’ll like this post.

Hello Everyone!

Glad to see you again, thanks for your love & support. You’re most welcome to your own place girlsdunia.com. Today I will share about Laziness along with its causes and effects. I hope this will help you so continue reading.

Table of Contents

What are Laziness and Causes of Laziness?

Laziness is a state where you don’t want to do anything, you’re are totally unwilling to spend your energy. When you think doing a task is very difficult and even impossible for you this state is known as laziness. It’s your desire to do nothing and remain idle like a lifeless body.

You’ve heard many times that human beings are quite lazy by nature and that’s very true. A lazy person just wants to live a comfortable and luxurious life he just can’t use his physical energy.

If you can simply lie down and relax then why would you want to work to achieve your goals?

Today we’ll discuss the actual causes of laziness along with its effects and also I’ll provide how to overcome laziness.

Full-Form of Lazy

L- Lie down

A- Aimlessly without any

Z- Zeal in

Y- Yourself.

15 Actual Causes of Laziness- Know why am I lazy?

There can be various reasons of laziness. It is compulsory for you to know the causes first. It will help you to overcome this serious problem because the only way to overcome any type of problem is to understand what is the reason behind it. So let’s discuss-

1. Lack of motivation –

Now, this is the very first and most common reason for laziness. You can never achieve anything in life without proper motivation. You just keep demotivating yourself that you can’t do anything, you are a looser and many other such kinds of things.

This is the reason which will always prevent you to move forward in your life. Lack of motivation can be the biggest cause of laziness when you are unwilling to do any work because you have no motivation for doing any work.

2. No specific goal of life –

This is the second most important cause of laziness because if we think practically then this is quite sure that if a person has no goals to achieve in his life then what work he’ll do and the reason is obvious he’ll become so lazy.

Your goals of life always motivate you to work further to proceed further in your life and if you’ll not your any specific goal then you’ll become lazy for sure.

3. Fear of responsibility and accountability –

Most of the people always fear to take responsibility because they consider themselves good for nothing. They just don’t want to take any responsibility because anything goes wrong then they have to answer for the same. And they just can’t face questions.

That’s why most of the people are unwilling to work because they are afraid of being held responsible for the outcome of the work they had assigned.

4. Poor Lifestyle Choices –

Most of the people live unplanned and totally careless lifestyles. They keep on doing things that are not important at all such as chatting on social media, watching movies and texting. Most active people on social media can confess that hours pass by without even their noticing.

Social media tends to consume a lot of time for everybody. It keeps you busy and prevents you from doing what really matters to you. If you are a victim of this, then you’ll feel your inability to get work done.

Your mind needs adequate rest and when it doesn’t get, it dramatically affects your ability to perform tasks in an effective manner.

5. Fear of failure –

Most of the people are afraid of doing anything because of the fear of failure. Fear of failure can be the real cause of laziness. These people are not ready to take the risk because of their fear of not losing anything in life. But the fact is without taking a risk we can’t try anything new. We have to try something and take the risk to achieve something in our life.

6. Depression –

Depression can also be the reason of laziness. In this state of mind, people don’t want to do any work and they just want to live alone in a dark room. The person doesn’t feel the energy to work and just remain idle. They feel depressed and hopeless this makes them lazy.

7. Indecisiveness –

Life is all about the decisions you make in it. The mind of some people just can’t be made up or they can’t decide what to do and this can lead them to laziness.

You just keep on wasting your day without deciding anything for the day. If you can’t make decisions in your life then this is the biggest reason for your laziness.

8. Distraction –

When you experience unrelated things in your mind while working it means you’re distracted. The more you’ll get distracted the less you’ll be able to complete the task given to you.

The most common causes of distraction in this era are social media, talkative friends, a lot of hang out and thinking about exciting upcoming events.

9. Exhausting –

Any work or activity even if it is mental activity require energy, enthusiasm, and a clean mind. When we are exhausted, our mind starts functioning in a different way and we can’t work properly in an efficient manner. The other reason may be sometimes we work too hard and we feel exhausted.

On the other hand, lazy people exhaust themselves doing non-important things such as chatting the whole day, partying, and playing video games hence leaving the important things undone.

10. Poor Nutrition –

What you eat helps to determine your energy levels and brain activity. The diet you take daily is very important for your day to day works. If you don’t eat a well-balanced diet, your body will not function properly and also you’ll not work, this will make you lazy for sure.

11. Procrastination –

Procrastination is something when a person always postpones the important things. When they don’t do the work on time that needs to be done now. Laziness usually comes from postponing something that needs to be done.

It might be urgent or not but why postpone it while you can do it now? If you understand this question then you’ll never postpone any work. Procrastination only makes things harder and a cause of laziness.

12. Lack of Self Worth –

If you believe in yourself only then you can face any task in your life but lazy people never understand self-worth and this makes them more lazy and demotivated.

On the other hand, those that don’t value themselves never care for hygiene. They live in dirty houses, wear dirty clothes because they can’t put efforts to clean them and they start thinking they don’t deserve anything better.

13. Dependent Life –

When a person usually depends on another person. When a person can’t live on his own and always feel dependent on any other person. He just can’t do his work himself this makes him lazy. If you’ll find a support system in your life then you can never succeed in your life you have to your own support system.

14. Too Much to Do –

When any person has a lot of things to do at the same time then his brain tends to become confused and slows down. The person keeps on convincing themselves that he simply cannot do it. When the person is convinced that the task at hand is too much for them, they see no reason to even start and it leads to laziness.

15. Low energy –

This is the most common cause of laziness. It is also can happen due to the lack of sleep, poor diet, rest and exercise. If you don’t eat or sleep properly then you’ll experience low energy in your body. This will lead you to laziness.

Effects Of Laziness

Laziness is the biggest enemy of any person because it can ruin your life completely. Laziness will also prevent you to proceed further.

  • You can never achieve anything in your life.
  • This will keep you confused and disturbed the whole day.
  • It will reduce your ability and efficiency.
  • Laziness can also affect your health.
  • You can’t work properly in an efficient manner.
  • This can reduce your thinking power or memory.

I really hope you liked this article on “What is Laziness? 15 Actual Causes of Laziness-Know Why am I LAZY?”. I always try my best to give you information from the best of my knowledge and experience. Just understand the causes of laziness and try to overcome them.

Let me know what other problems you’re facing in your life because of laziness whether you’re a girl or boy and do you like the information shared by me by commenting below, I will try to figure it out. If there is any mistake or if you want to give any feedback then comment down.

Thank you very much for giving me your precious time for reading this article, see you soon in my next article till then Keep loving keep supporting keep sharing! Have a wonderful day.

Now you have taken this knowledge so let your friends know the difference between all these concepts.

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Diksha mittal

I am founder of girlsdunia.com. Here I provide the solutions to girl’s problems whether it is related to their personal life or any other.