How To Spot The Signs Of Crazy People

Part 1

Girl Speaks Truth
6 min readJun 1, 2020

Whether you’ve encountered a crazy person first hand or heard stories from your friends, you know crazy people are out there. From the ones who chase you down after the bar closes in their Toyota Priuses to the ones who watch you sleep while silently plotting about ways to kill you, …Bottom line, you need to know the signs of crazy.

Let’s break down the signs of crazy people…for both men AND women! You need to read the whole THANG, so you never end up on the news because someone killed yo ass and sent you downstream in a body bag. Grab something to write with and take some damn notes even. SURRRIOUSLY. And if as you read you’re like oh shit, this is describing ME, I promise to send up a lil prayer for you…(as well as avoid further contact at all costs)…

What Makes Crazy Crazy

Whether they didn’t get the pony they felt they deserved for their 5th birthday, or they were seriously abused by a parent, OR they just had parents that gave in to their every whim instead of saying NO like a normal parent, it doesn’t matter at the end of the day. You should stop caring why cray is cray, because no one can help them but THEM.

Leave it to a skilled therapist or the crazy person in question to wake up and smell the cuckoo birds. You do, however, need to know how to



Girl Speaks Truth

And she solemnly swears to never tell anything but…so help us all.