Elizabeth Warren isn’t “Feuding with Biden” — It’s Class War

Holly Wood
2 min readMay 3, 2019

What the media calls a “feud” between Warren and Biden relates directly to the fact that Warren spent her career as a Harvard law professor fighting the corruption of government by finance and Biden spent his Senatorial career eating Wall Street’s ass.

The media is struggling to frame this as something it isn’t, as a personal quibble. That’s why it’s so fucking grating to see headlines and political writers trying to reduce what is clearly class conflict into what Quartz calls a “grudge match.” Or what Washington Post describes as “calling Biden out.”

But the media’s framing of Warren vs. Biden as a personal feud is reductionist. It serves to obscure the truth of the matter which is that Warren made her career taking the side of the American people and Biden made his taking the side of corporate predators, without hesitation and without apology.

